Mission 11 - Vent Passage

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(Mission 10 Winning Option: Uh, I'm not sure, let's look it up...- 7 Votes)

Smg4: We have a schematic for the vents that should lead to the main CEO office. The left side has Mario in a clown costume and the right...well, picture Pennywise as a scary birthday clown. Which way is best?

Smg4 and Crystal: Go Left

Smg3 and Desti: Go Right

Crystal: I think we should go left, I can feel it in my bones!"

Smg3: But what if it's Mario waiting at the end with a machine gun?!

Desti: I think Right is better, my motto is to always trust your writing hand.

Smg4: That motto doesn't make much sense..."

Crystal: Well, I'd like to see you come up with a better excuse...

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