POV: You're Mario

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Plot: Ever wonder how Mario lives his life everyday? Well, Crystal is about to find out!

(November 5th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 29 weeks)

It was seeming to be just another normal Day in the Mushroom Kingdom, with Crystal sitting in the castle foyer reading some manga books.

As this happened, a hole burst from the opposite wall as Mario was attacked by a giant demon. He attempted to fight it...but was quickly thrown back into the wall as Crystal saw.

Crystal: Uncle Mario!

With a quick lightning bolt, the creature was fried dead as Mario got back up, his head on the wrong way round.

Crystal: Uncle Mario, are you okay?!

Mario: Yeah Crystal, Smg4 just wanted to make an If Mario was in Dark Souls Video!

The two looked over and Saw Smg4 filming his next video, before scampering off quickly.

Mario: So how you doing Kid?

Crystal: Uh, I'm just reading these Comics. Mommy's busy with her exams and...I don't have much to do otherwise.

Mario: What about Tari?

Crystal: Are you kidding? Ever since...The incident happened, she's been watching Mommy like a hawk. She actually doesn't mind, it means she can help her study. (Sigh) I just wish I had something else to do today...

Mario: Hmmm...


Mario: Say...why don't you let your Uncle Mario show you his daily life!

Crystal: Really!?

Mario: Yeah! My life is full of excitement!

Mario picked her up and put her on his shoulders.

Mario: Let's-a go!

They leapt off to start.


The first part of the day was in the setting for Mario level 1-1. Along the path, Goomba's and Koopa's stood in the way and grooved to the background beat.

Crystal: Uh, Uncle Mario? I don't think I've ever seen you do this...

Mario: I...uh...I do! I just...do it once a week because of other things.

Crystal: Oh, okay! So, what are we doing?

Mario: We just gotta get past these guys and get to Bowser's castle, then we grab Peach and head on back.

Crystal: Sounds simple enough, let's go!

Nodding, Mario and Crystal leapt ahead.

Seeing Mario, all enemies went on high alarms and charged the two of them. Mario drop dashed a whole row of Goomba's while Crystal jumped off them midair, landing as a Koopa rushed towards her.

Mario stomped him into his shell as some Koopa's ahead lined up just like bowling pins. Crystal smiled, kicking the shell forward.

Koopa: Run! She's gonna do a bowling meme-!

She knocked them all down Flawlessly with the shell.


Both Mario and Crystal leapt and flipped flawlessly through the level before landing at the flag pole, Commencing TF2 dances as they moved into the castle.

Inside the castle, Bowser was yelling at Peach as she calmly filed her nails, when a knock came at the door.

Bowser: Who is it?

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now