Ready to Ride?

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Plot: Heading off to the Wild West for a grand old time, so just sit back and-(PLEASE GOD HELP, I'M TRAPPED)-Enjoy the Ride!

(June 24th - 2023)

As the train chugged down the railways towards the west, the cast were able to pass the time as they barrelled down the path to Western Spaghetti.

Luigi read a book to pas the time as Mario looked more bored then ever. Melony stroked Axol Jr as Desti put her feet up playing the guitar.

Saiko was tuning her own guitar as Kaizo sat nearby. Boopkins played with his toys until Bob crushed them with his toy of Tow Mater.

Smg4 played against Smg3 and Eggdog in a game of UNO, but Smg3 eventually flipped the game over when it became obvious he couldn't win even with cheating.

Tari meanwhile was playing on her Switch as Meggy constantly switched between her phone and looking out the window.

Meggy: Just a few more hours till the west!

Tari: Are you really sure one shot wren is out there?

Meggy reached across the table, grabbing Tari's shoulders crazily.

Meggy: He has to be! He has to be!!

Tari looked around awkwardly, simply replying...

Tari: Okay.

Meanwhile with The Mario bros, Mario was quickly losing the will to live from the lack of action. Luigi continued to stare at his book, almost...absorbed into it.

After several failed attempts to get his attention, Mario got frustrated and ripped the book from Luigi's grasp.

Mario: Luigi!! Entertain Mario!!

Luigi remained...unmoving.

Mario: LUIGI!!!!!

Mario slapped him several times, hoping to pry a reaction from him, but no dice.

Mario: Fine then!! If you're just gonna ignore Mario, Mario's gonna go play with someone else!

Leaving Luigi staring off into space, Mario walked off and eventually made his way over to Meggy and Tari, listening in on their conversation.

Meggy: I'm just looking forward to this day Tari! Meeting One Shot Wren is gonna be the greatest day of my life! Well, aside from our wedding of course.

Mario (Butting In): One Shot Wren? Didn't he fall off?

Meggy: No...No, he didn't Fall Off Mario!

Mario: Say, Imma Hungry! Have you got any food?

Meggy gave him a blank stare.

Meggy: No!

Tari: Oh! There's a food cart a few carts down. They'll have food!

Mario gasped with Joy, immediately running down the hallway towards the cart door as Meggy got up to follow him.

Meggy: I better make sure Mario doesn't eat the entire cart.

As Meggy walked away, she accidentally kicked a small suitcase on the floor. She looked at it curiously, but brushed it off. Some Kid probably just left their behind...


Meggy followed Mario into the SC cart, where they could find the likes of Karen, Smg1 and 2, Shroomy, Belle, Rob, Jub Jub, Wimpu, Killer Ink, the old man and Jeeves.

Mario: Wow, Mario hasn't seen some of these guys in a while!

As they walked through, They passed Shroomy, who seemed to be skinning a potato with a peeling knife, stopping to talk to him.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now