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Plot: After so long waiting, after months of anticipation, it's finally time to see...the brand new Castle!

(July 29th - 2023)

Before I get into anything big, I just wanna adress something I know people will ask concerning the intro about where Desti, Crystal, Emily and Alice would go in the new intro.

First, watch the original intro:

Now use your Imagination for what I imagine the changes would be.

Smg3 would be moved slight to the left to make space for Desti, who would be giving a thumbs up with a Mario Mushroom.Meggy and Tari would each have their models altered. Meggy Would have her Splattershot in one hand and Alice in the other arm. Same applies to Tari with her game controller and Baby Emily as well as including her longer hair.Meggy and Tari would also be moved slightly to the right to give Crystal her own space, where she would waving at the Camera surrounded by Electricity in her usual attire.Finally, their voices would also be included in the "That's-a So Nice!" Bit, even Alice and Emily with babbles. This would evolve as they eventually become older.

Now with that out of the way, let's get this rolling!


Months of hard earned money and work were finally paying off!

As the gang stood before the large tarp cast over the now complete castle, waiting for Smg4's arrival so they could finally unveil it.

Crystal was among them, positively bursting with energy. She took this time to warp constantly, moving fast enough to be in three places at one, alternating between foot tapping, sitting and staring at a nearby clock trying to make time move faster.

Desti also stood among them, watching Meggy and Tari holding Alice and Emily with care and smiling. After her revealing session with Smg3, this was the first time anyone had seen her since. Secretly, she'd been crying in her room until she had no more left to cry, but she couldn't tell anyone else that without a long explanation.

So she told people she was having her monthly and all conversation with her dropped to an awkward minimum. Humiliating but worth the risk in her eyes.

Finally, heavy panting was heard behind them as Smg4 ran onto the show grounds at last. Mario was so excited, he immediately started shaking his friend in anxious fury.

Mario: Smg4! You're finally here! Mario's about to bust a nut waiting!!!

Crystal raised her hand to ask a question but Meggy lowered it.

Meggy: No, you don't want the answer.

Smg3 joined in, shaking Smg4 with impatience.

Smg3: Yeah dude! Me want new castle!

Smg4 broke them both away, approaching the tarp and grabbing a handful...

Smg4: Alright guys...without further ado...presenting...

Everyone collectively held their breaths, waiting for the unveiling of the castle as finally, everyone got to see...

Smg4: The Smg4 Castle!!

Smg4 pulled the tarp aside and the whole group let out a collective gasp.

Meggy: gosh...

Bob and Boopkins: Woah!

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now