Mission 2 - Hack Camera's

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(Mission 1 Winning Option: Kill the lights - 3 votes)

Smg4: Mario's gonna have his eyes on the cameras everywhere when we get inside, it's gonna be impossible to make any moves while he's looking down at us. We need to find some way to get past.

Smg4: Hack all the cameras with my epic hacking skills

Smg3: Do a Sexy dance and blind the camera's

Desti: Start a Riot

Crystal: Use an EMP blast

Smg3: Since when can you Hack?

Smg4: I used to mod games when I was a kid!

Smg3: Oh god, we're doomed...

Desti: Well, how is dancing meant to distract him!?

Smg3: It's a better idea than starting a riot, what if we get hurt in the process?

Desti: It's a good idea! If people are running everywhere, we'll be able to blend in easily.

Crystal: What if I short out the camera's? That should work, right?

Smg3: Yes, but we also run the risk of shutting off everything in the whole building, which would only make things harder!

Smg4: Well, someone's a negative Nancy today...

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