We Interrupt This Broadcast

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(June 24th - 2023)

We begin with just a simple day at the Showgrounds...

But it didn't take long for Boredom to occur.

Mario: Smg4...I'm bored. Is the new castle here yet?

Smg4: I told you: I can only build it when I get Stinkin Rich!

Mario: And when is that gonna be?

Smg4: (Presents Phone) The Moment my Flummies take off!

Smg4 proceeded to show a video of these "Flummies". The video consisted mainly of Roblox figures, Luigi and Hank Hill in a hot dog costume.

Mario: Smg4...if you just need Money then you should've asked!

Smg4: Pfft, Yeah, as if YOU'd be able to make a single dollar in this economy-


Mario quickly stepped away as Smg4 was crushed under a pile of golden coins, more than twice his size.

Smg4: What?! How'd you get this Money!?

Mario: Ever since my Boi Marty took over Mario's Pizza store...

He wasn't wrong. Mario had quickly grow tired of running the Pizza store himself and after a while of soul searching, he created Marty and Lui, Paper standee copies of him and Luigi to run the store in his absence.

In a flashback, people were throwing Money at Marty and taking their Pizza and by the End of the Day, Mario simply came in and took the well earned cash.

Mario: Thanks Marty!

Mario left Marty by the store, leaving the standee to stare out blankly into the distance...

In the present day, Mario stood by Smg4 as his eyes lit up with Joy.

Mario: This should be enough to build the new castle, right?

Smg4 quickly hugged the pile of money, tears in his eyes as he turned to look at Mario.

Smg4 (Teary): Mario, I...(Turns)...I don't even know how to repay you...

Mario: You can make Mario a castle where he can play in!

With new focus and the money to fulfil it, Smg4 stands tall to make his promise a reality!

Smg4: Yes I will! It's finally time!!!! Time to make the new castle I've been promising for so long!!!

Mario clapped his hands and soon, a construction yard was present on the Showgrounds. Smg4 stood wearing a hard hat beside Mario, overlooking the work.

Mario: Is it ready yet?

Smg4: (Sigh) Patience! It's being built! Where's your hard hat?

Mario: WHAT? But Mario wants castle Now!!!


Mario's tantrum was broken up as a brick hit him on the head, caused by the Engineer accidentally dropping one.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now