The Very Safe & Legal SMG4 Show

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Plot: In order to rebuild their home in the form of a castle of their own, Smg4 gathers the gang to make money with a show! This is either gonna be a stroke of genius...or a complete disaster.

(April 22nd - 2023)

A week passed since the events of buying the Showgrounds and progress on a new caste was...slow to say the least.

The only change made to the landscape was adding some safety fences to the perimeter. So far though, it was just a dull day.

Sitting in the chalk outline were the following: The Mario Bros, Meggy with Alice sat on her lap, Tari with Emily sat in hers, Smg3, Bob, Crystal, Boopkins, Melony and Smg4. Playing spin the bottle, Melony was the next to spin as the end of the bottle pointed towards Smg3.

Smg3: Ah Crap.

A mini TF2 character ran out of the bottle, called him ugly and ran back inside, leaving Smg3 confused.

Smg3: Well, this fricken' Sucks.

Crystal: I don' this game.

Mario: Smg4, where's your Tv?! (Offers Controller) Can't we play Video games or something?

Smg3: Yeah! When you said come hang out, I didn't know we'd literally be playing in the dirt!

Smg4: Aw, Cmon guys, it's not about having a TV or furniture or Even fundamental living's about spending time with your friends!

A quick silence fell over the gang, before Bob stood to leave.

Bob: Who wants to go to my place?

Smg3: Oh thank god!

Mario: Mario thought you'd never ask!

Smg3 stood to leave with Bob, followed by Mario and Luigi as everyone else appeared ready to follow suit.

Smg4: Aw, Cmon! Who wants to...uhhh....(Grabs Book) Read this book on conjunctivitis with me?

Smg3 threw a rock at him, knocking him onto the ground and sending the book flying. To add insult to injury, Meggy approached him and Alice jumped out of her arms to slam him in the gut.

Smg4 (Pained): So this is how I die, Huh?

Meggy picked Alice back up and looked over him.

Meggy: Smg4...when we're we gonna get that new castle you were talking about?

Smg3: Yeah! Cause so far, the only renovation I've seen around here is Desti pitching that weed tent.

Nearby, one of the tents had be figured into a Mushroom steaming room. She was lying on the floor outside of it, completely out of it.

Smg3: Seriously, we should check on her sometime.

Meggy: Back on subject, Smg4?

Smg4: I Uhh...I need to save up for it still.

Smg4: If Money is an issue...then why don't we help Smg4 raise money for a new castle!?

Almost immediately, Everyone looked at each-other with their interest piqued.


Unfortunately, their first best idea proved to be a flop. Sitting by a poorly and quickly constructed lemonade stand, everyone and anyone older than 4 months had quickly gone bored out of their minds.

Smg4: (Sigh)

Meggy: Does this place even get any foot traffic?

Tari: I'm sure someone will come...any second now.

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