Desti's Breakthrough

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Plot: Smg3 gives Desti her next therapy appointment where a long hidden past and trauma for Desti is finally revealed...

(July 23rd - 2023)

The room situation was tense, as were both people present. A fan slap slowly on the roof, a clock was heard ticking nearby and the paint covered walls had pictures of a young Desti, from her first Splatfest match to last Christmas with the Smg4 crew.

In the living room, with a messy couch and a small Tv, Desti was sat looking down at the ground, her body trembling.

On a chair across from her, Smg3 was sitting with a notepad and pen, ready to listen.

After yesterday's incident and his discovery of Wren's true fate, his therapist side emerged with a desire to understand and help Desti. He very rarely left the internet graveyard for therapy sessions, but he managed to make an exception here.

Smg3: Desti...would you like to start or should i?

Desti remained silent.

Smg3: Very well then...Let's talk about what you said about...Wren.

Desti gripped the couch cushions for a second.

Smg3: If I may ask...what was going through your head when you decided to go through with it?

She remained silent.

Smg3: As I recall, you were the one to stop Meggy from doing the same thing. Why would you stop her and then commit the deed yourself?

Desti finally looked up, swallowing hard.

Desti: Because...because she'd already been through so much. You saw what happened to her...she was almost broken by the time we got out of that simulation.

Smg3: Okay...and why did you feel that prison couldn't handle the task?

Desti looked up at him.

Desti: You saw the look in his eyes. He was deranged. He saw Meggy as a toy, he saw Crystal as his property and everyone else as either an obstacle or garbage. He never would've stopped...I knew if I didn't end it, one of these days, he'd come back and...

Desti choked a bit, Smg3 looking with sympathy.

Desti: I...I've really grown to care for Meggy, you know? At first, I thought her as weak and incompetent but...over the years, she's shown she's got a lot of grit and determination to rival my own. And Crystal...that kids just like her in so many ways, even if she doesn't properly acknowledge it.

Smg3: Sounds Like Meggy is a main part of your reason for why you acted the way you did.

Desti: Yeah, I guess that...I eventually came to see her like a sister...

Desti looked down, he voice shrinking to a whisper.

Desti: Something I haven't felt in a long time...

Desti felt a smile Grace her face, but...

Smg3: What do you mean by that?

Her eyes opened wide in Alarm, realising she hadn't been as quiet as she'd hoped. She looked back at Smg3, her cheeks red with a blush.

Desti: N-nothing, i was just taking gibberish.

Smg3: know I can't help unless you talk to me...

Desti huffed in defeat.

Desti: It's just...hard, y'know? I'm not that open with strangers and you did try and kill me that one time.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now