Mario gets Lit

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Plot: Do you like Music? The annual music festival is in town and all are invited to join in the fun!

(July 10th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 11 weeks)

Music festival's are usually an art of free expression, but this...this shouldn't be allowed.

On stage at the moment were a group of Tellietubbies all in wigs, singing a song called b12 for an audience. The gang were in confused silence, but Boopkins actually liked the performance and couldn't contain his excitement.

Boopkins: YEAH!!!

Finally, the song broke up as Mario leapt on stage, knocking over two of them and setting off a chain reaction that set the whole stage on fire.

Mario: Yeah! Mario's a superstar!

The crowd was silent for a minute before erupting in cheers, thinking that was just the end of the show.

Boopkins: Yeah, We love you BTS!!!

Luigi: Wow, they really upped the effects this year!

To the side, Meggy, Saiko, Crystal, Bob and Desti looked at them like they were crazy.

Desti: This has gotta be one of those concerts with hippies and drugs, right? Cause that would explain these two liking that show.

Saiko: I agree, this is lame. Can we go?

Bob: Way ahead of you.

Everyone made their way away from the stage as Mario quickly caught up.

Mario: Hey, that was fun! Where to next?

Bob: The Rap stage!/ Boopkins: The night core stage!

Bob and Boopkins quickly looked at eachother in shock, with Bob grabbing a mic.

Bob: Why the hell would I listen to EDM Music? That trash can suck on my brown tunic!

Boopkins grabbed a record machine and cranked the beat up to 11.

Boopkins: Night core's better!

Meggy suddenly burst moved between them and snatched Bob's microphone and Boopkins Record player and threw them high in the sky.

Boopkins: It doesn't matter which one you pick, they both suck so grow up and pick one!

Bob and Boopkins slowly backed away in fear.

Desti: Jeez Meggy, what's up with you?

Meggy: (Shakes head) Wha? Oh, sorry guys. Mood swings are driving me crazy.

Crystal: Last night, Mommy cried at an investment commercial for a bank. Me and Momma were really confused...

Meggy: I'm sorry, but that old man was opening a checking account for his grandson!

Meggy had teary eyes as Desti facepalmed.

Desti: Good grief, I've gotta find the place around here that offers better conversation.

Saiko: Why don't we just split up and meet up at the spicy man statue at the end of the day?

Mario: Spicy man statue?

Saiko directed Mario to the giant wooden statue at the centre of the event, which would be set on fire at sunset. Mario's eyes extended forward in wonder, disturbing two visitors before they popped back in his head.

"Okay, Mario's ready for...the spicy man Music festival!"

But then Mario looked around, seeing everyone but Meggy and Crystal had disappeared. Saddened, Mario slumped on the floor as Meggy began to drag him.

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