If Mario went Fishing

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Plot: Mario, Bob, Boopkins and the Whole Splezter Family go fishing, but Bob's desire for eating fish gets just a little out of hand...

(February 11th - 2023)

For once, it almost seemed like it was turning out to be a normal day. The sun was shining, birds were chirping and on a chosen lake, a boat floated with the occupants out for a lovely day of fishing.

Mario looked bored out of his mind as he sat on the side with a fishing rod, while Crystal sat next to Boopkins on the right side of the boat. Bob stood by the left fishing and Meggy sat at the edge.

For today, both she and Tari had decided to go casual. She traded her usual shirt for a red jacket and a brim hat. Tari meanwhile was on a lean back beach chair, wearing Shades with a blue crop top instead of her usual jacket and discarded her socks for normal flip flops.

The Twins also remained at their sides, having been put in a playpen Inside of the boat with small orange life vests for their own protection.

Tari: (Sigh) This is nice, I don't think we've ever gone out on a family trip like this.

Meggy: Yeah, I'm glad we get to do something outdoors! Nice choice Bob!

He didn't hear them at all, singing a song of his own making.

Of course, Mario was the first to complain.

Mario: This is so Boring! No fish are biting!

Bob: Relax Mario, fishing is all about patience.

1 Mississippi...2 Mississippi...3...Mississip-

Bob: Okay, maybe patience and some dynamite.

As Bob grabbed a stick of Dynamite, Boopkins and Crystal were off to the side looking into the lake to try and see some fish. One poked its head out to see them.


Boopkins: Oh, hello!

Crystal: Boopy, can you understand them?

Boopkins: Of course I can! He's saying hello to you!

Crystal: Aw! Hi there!


Boopkins: He says it's nice to meet you Crystal!

Crystal: Thanks! Hehe, this is fun!

Boopkins: I know, I'm glad Meggy brought you and your family down here so I could introduce you to all my fishy Friend-


Bob threw the stick of dynamite at the fish as he exploded in a ball of fire. Frozen looks of Shock/Horror were plastered on Boopkins, Meggy's and Crystal's faces as Crying came from inside the boat.

Tari: Aw no! Dang it Bob!

Tari moved quickly inside to check on her crying babies. Meanwhile, the fish flopped to Bob's feat in flames.

Bob: Damn it! I don't want this fish!

In that Moment, Mario had an idea.

Mario: Yo Bob! Come with me, I've got a better idea!

Bob: Oh, this gonna be good!

Dropping their fishing sticks and running inside, Tari came back out with the Twins crying as Meggy got up to help her.

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