The Plan

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Plot: Smg3's notebook has been taken and it contains all of the information that could be harmful to Smg3, Desti and Crystal. Partnering with Smg4, this unlikely squad has a plan to get it back...and we need your help!

(October 18th - 2023)

Inside Smg4's room, Plans were underway to get back Smg3's notebook and the stakes had never been higher for anyone on the table.

Smg3 had recruited 3 people who wanted to help him for the same reasons: The information inside the notebook.

Smg4: Initially, he wasn't on board, but once Smg3 revealed that he'd talked about "The Igloo Incident" from years ago, the idea of that knowledge becoming public terrified him.

Desti: Desti doesn't reveal it, but she doesn't want knowledge of herself or Lily being revealed in fear of the repercussions. She brings a lot of power with her brand new twin blades and skill set from years of Splatfest training.

Crystal: Understandably, no one actually wanted her to join because of her young age, but because the notebook contains details of her previous self harm and abilities, she refuses to risk it being leaked. Besides, it helps to have someone with godly power who can fit in small spaces.

All 4 stood around a table with a lot of briefing information and equipment, ready to talk.

Smg3: I need all your help in getting my notebook back! It's got some pretty incriminating information about me and all of you...

Crystal shuddered while Desti looked over her shoulder in worry for if her past got out.

Smg4: Oh god, alright. But where did it go?

Smg3: Word on the street is it's been taken to some casino owned by some billionaire.

Smg4: Oh mean Casino Paisano?

Desti: Hey, I've heard of that place, Bob never shuts up about it. Isn't that place sealed up tight like Fort Knox?

Smg3: That's right. So we're gonna need to handle this with Stealth, cunning and a whole lot of style!

Smg3 rolled in a clothing rack and within 5 minutes, everyone had brand new outfits...

Smg4 was dressed in a blue buttoned up tux and black pants similar to a bellhop with a slick watch meant for spies.

Smg3 was given a signature black lined tuxedo, equipped with his own watch, a purple tie and a black fedora with a purple line on the base, based on most detectives during the 1950's.

Desti found herself wearing a Blended elegant dress with purple and red themes that reached her ankles, long black silk gloves, her own watch and socks with more boyish black flat shoes like at a wedding.

Crystal meanwhile went all for a theme suitable for her, wearing a black and silver hoodie and pants, a simple new colour scheme for her already existing wardrobe alongside some gloves and her own watch.

Smg3: Hehe, I made them myself.

Smg4: Woah, I like it!

Desti: Uh, I'm not sure how I feel about a dress but...I'll bear with it.

Crystal: I love it! I feel just like a spy kid!

Smg3 wheeled in a chest, opening it and reaching in to present some weapons, specifically a pistol and a bomb.

Smg3: And for gadgets, I've got a lot leftover from my evil villain era that we can use!

Smg3 quickly gave the bomb a kiss to Smg4's disturbance.

Desti: Sounds good in theory 3, even if the plan is a bit complicated.

Smg3: Damn right. (Snaps fingers) And a complicated plan requires a special event...

Everyone's eyes perked up, Desti and Smg4's with intrigue and Crystal's with excitement.

Smg4: Oh no, do you mean...?

Smg3: Oh yeah...

Smg3 hit a button on his watch, displaying a hologram for the name of this event...

WOTFI 2023!

Crystal was grinning ear to ear with excitement with Desti looked back, a smile on her face at her enthusiasm. But Smg4 had a big question...

Smg4: Oh, wait! Do we have a plan!?

Smg3 went silent as the light's suddenly flashed back on.

Smg3: Uh...No? But...we can make one now!

Desti: Really man?! All that big talk and you don't have any kind of plan?

Crystal: It's okay Aunt Desti, we can make one!

Smg4: Agh, this is gonna take forever...

Smg4 buried his head into the table...when he suddenly sprung up with genius.

Smg4: Wait a minute...Oh!

A grin spread across his face, an idea in mind.

Smg3: What is it?!

Smg4 moved over to the nearby camera, pointing at it.

Smg4: We're gonna get these guys to help!

Desti: Really? Getting your fans to help, is that a good idea?

Crystal: I thinks it's a great idea! Look at the facts, It's gonna take months for us to settle on a plan and by then, it'll be too late!

Smg3: The kids right, as much as I don't wanna admit it.

Smg4: Trust me, these guys have always had my back and I know they can help. So listen up guys, we're gonna be uploading an update at 6PM EST, telling you how you can help out with this year's WOTFI, so stay tuned!

Smg3: We look forward to having you...Mwahahahaha!!!

Everyone gave Smg3 "the look".

Smg3: What? It's a force of habit.


In the mysterious location where Mario brought the Notebook, he kneeled before a figure hidden in shadow and presented it like a trophy.

Mario: As you requested...My King.

As the view showed their location to be the casino, the shadowy figure, the one who orchestrated the theft of Smg3's Notebook...

Was the infamous Cardboard cutout himself...MARTY!

Who immediately fell over from a brief gust of wind...


Tune in a short while from now to find out how you can participate in this year's WOTFI will play out!

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