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Plot: Smg4's obsession with perfection has gone off the rails, placing the lives of himself and the whole gang in danger. Can he be brought back from the brink, or is it too late for our favourite Meme guardian?

(March 18th - 2023)

The lights around the castle had dimmed as Smg4's door was the only one producing light, but not for a good reason.

Darkness filled with all sorts of crazy symbols covered the back wall of Smg4's room, covering the frantic writing. Meggy whimpered in fear seeing this as Smg3 tripped onto his back in fear.

Smg4 turned to look at them, eyes hollow and while with a bloodshot appearance as it appeared he'd completely lost his mind. He pointed, yelling...


Smg3: Bro...what...what happened to you?

That was indeed the question: How did it come to this?





Well, to answer that, we have to go back exactly 1 month ago, starting...

(February 18th - 2023)

Sometime after Smg3 gained popularity, Smg4's attempt to gain it back caused him to get cancelled. Smg3 helped him get back his fame, but Smg4 gained a whole new idea: Quality over quantity.

If people wanted Quality, all he had to do was make the best video ever! After that, he'd be loved by everyone! Not a single person could dislike his videos!

With that, he went out and grabbed all the stuff he needed, returning with several bags of food and beverages and ready to start working.

Smg4: Alright, I'm restocked and ready! This is MY year and I'm going to make the Best. Video. Ever!

With that, he took a quick drink...then immediately hit the keyboard, grinding until he couldn't feel his fingers. Energy burst from his body as he continued to edit.

(February 25th - 2023)

Several days later, he had the first draft.

Smg4: Okay! Let's play that back.

He played the clip, which was a quick 7 second clip of Kermit vs Jesus. Although impressed for a second, he then angrily threw his computer aside, blowing it up.

Smg4: How am I gonna make the best video ever with this mediocre clip!?

Behind him, he heard knocking on the door which suddenly evaporated into thin air. Knowing it was Mario, he poked out his head.

Smg4: Y-yes?

Mario: SMG4!!!! WE'RE GOING TO TEXAS!!!!

Smg4: Oh, uh, was that today? Uh...I'm sorry Mario. I can't come today. I'm in the middle of making a special video.

Mario: What!? But you're always making videos! That's never stopped you!

Smg4: Not this one. (Ominous) This one's going to be different...K BYE!!

Smg4 backed up and put a seed in the doorway, watering it to grow a new door. He quickly hopped back on his keyboard.

Smg4: Okay, let's try that again!

And then, he got back to work.

(March 3rd - 2023)

His next draft has Kermit the frog in a white background, dancing to a Kirby song. After watching this with bloodshot eyes and feint facial hair with no sleep for days, Smg4 furiously slammed the keyboard on the desk, turning it to dust and getting a new one.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now