The Pawn Business

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Plot: Losing his hotel and the Splezter House by extension in a poker game, Meggy and Bob must form an alliance in a pawn shop to get their money back.

(June 12th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 7 Weeks)

The view of those watching was like that of a commercial as Bob stood as a commentator, standing before a building with his face on the top.

Bob: Yo, whaddup?! Come on down to Bob's pawn Shop! Buy, sell, trade and give me money! Isn't that right Meggy?

Meggy stood off to the side with her arms crossed, not entertained.

Bob (Whispering): Meggy, say the lines...

Meggy broke character as the music came to a stop.

Meggy: This whole thing is so stupid. Why did I even sign up to this??

Meggy went to walk away.

Bob: Because Meggy, the hotel is in debt and if we can't make money, your family won't have a home!

Meggy stopped in her tracks, eyes wide.

(2 minutes later)


The camera switched to an interview with Meggy as she was looking in the wrong way.

Meggy Splezter:

Victim of debtUpcoming 2nd time motherAlso loves Ramen

Meggy: Oh, this way? Okay. Hi, I'm Meggy And...I'm being forced to work here or I'll be homeless with my whole family. So yeah! That's my life right now! I...clearly got everything together...

Meggy's head fell back and hit the chair.


She remembered back to earlier that day when she was wrapping up the freaky dance number for the commercial.

Bob: And...cut!

She fell against the floor, curling up.

Meggy: Goodbye dignity, goodbye pride...

Bob: Good riddance, you won't be needing those where we're going!

Bob went to the front desk, where Meggy followed in a rage.

Meggy: It's bad enough I'm still preparing to have another baby but I can't believe you thought to gamble my whole house away!

Bob: I didn't gamble your house! I gambled the hotel, which just so happened to still be connected by contract law to yours! Hey look, a customer!

Bob turned his attention to Boopkins at the front door, looking saddened.


The next interview was with Bob.

Bob Bobowski:

Goddamn king

Bob: Running a pawn shop is hard work and I'm not too sure the new employee will be able to handle it. Years of Motherhood have likely worn out her focus in jobs, but you know what? If anyone can teach her, it's me!


Boopkins: Hey Bob, I heard about the hotel. I'm so sorry-

Bob: Never-mind that! Would you like to buy some of my wares?

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