Mission 4 - Get Past the Guards

110 1 9


(Mission 3 Winning Option: Rig a Casino Game - 9 Votes)

Desti: There's undoubtedly gonna be guards on watch in the elite's room guarding the elevator. To progress, we need to get past them.

Smg4: Guess Imma go fishing!

Smg3: Straight up Murder

Desti: Knock Out

Crystal: Musical Distraction

Smg3: How is playing go fish gonna get us past?

Smg4: I figure if we win, they'll be impressed and let us through!

Desti: That sounds like a huge gamble, literally. Why not just knock them out?

Crystal: What!? I don't want anyone to get hurt! Let's just draw them away!

Smg3: With Music?! Who here even knows how to sing!?

Desti: (Blushing) Uh...I could try giving it a shot...

Smg3: Both of you are wrong! Sometimes, killing is the best way to get a job done!

Smg4: Said the former supervillain in front of his therapy clients.

Smg3: Bro...too far.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now