Mario Makes Pizza: Ft Crystal

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Plot: Meggy might've gotten past a bulk of her trauma, but there's one thing she hasn't passed: Her horrible cooking. Let's hope Mario cooking with Crystal proves whether or not that skill is genetic!

(July 11th -2023)

We open on the same luxurious kitchen from Mario's...less than luxurious attempt to make a cake.

(Hello everyone! I am your story writer/new narrator because the last guy quit after judging Mario's cake! Today however, we have a special guest! First off, returning for the session, we have Mario-)

A curtain moves away, revealing Mario in a chefs hat picking his nose with his eyes crossed. He quickly saw the camera was on him and waved.

(With a special guest, Crystal Grace Splezter!)

The other curtain moved, revealing Crystal also in a chefs hat, excitedly waving.

Crystal: Someone tell my moms I was on TV!

(I knew it was a good idea putting that "Awe" machine in. Anyway, the pair of you today are going to be having a game of sorts, to see who can make the best-)


Mario brandished several plates of pasta, onto to be slapped by a Master Hand on a stick.

(NO! We're not making pasta!)

Mario looked saddened almost immediately.

(But we are making something similar! Today, you're going to be making...Pizza!)

Mario's reaction was instant, running around the whole kitchen and grabbing Crystal, spinning her around in joy. When Mario was done running and started "doing the Mario", Crystal was green in the face as A hand from the side gave her a barf bag.

Crystal's cheeks swell up and The camera is quickly covered up and darkness is the only thing visible as this is heard.


(Uh...we'll be right back.)


(Your first step before you start cooking is to sanitise your work space! For this, you will require disinfecting spray, a clean wipe and then a tea towel to dry all wet surfaces carefully)

Equipment was given to both as they prepared to clean. Crystal started spraying all surfaces and even put her goggles on to protect her eyes, scaling the kitchen step by step until it was sparkling.

(Amazing! Let's see how your uncle is doing)

Mario meanwhile...had the bottle if sanitiser in his mouth and was chocking, just barely managing to cough it up.

(Oh, Cmon Mario! Ugh...Did you at least manage to wipe down the counter?)

Mario thought, then got an idea as he extended his hand outside. Suddenly, he brought Bob in and started using him as a rag, face-first on the counter.

Bob (Muffled): Oh god, Mario, what are you doing!? It's burning my eyes, please stop, I'll give you all my dirty magazines!

(MARIO, NO! HIS RAG IS FILTHY! Huff...let's just move on.)

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