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Plot: It's Mario day and everyone is here to celebrate their favourite Nintendo icon! Well, almost Smg4 coming out of his room any time soon?

(March 10th - 2023)

A large crowd gathering around the Mushroom kingdom main castle could only indicate one thing: Either Bob was trying to sell it, or...


Mario day, the one day that celebrated everyone's favourite Italian plumber and since Mario and Bowser previously broke into the White House to make it a national holiday, everyone was here to attend!

As the crowd began to chatter, Saiko looked around at the large crowds in shock.

Saiko: Wow, he really managed to get everyone here.

Boopkins:mOh, I wonder what's in store!

In the back, the Wario bros sat stirring...

Wario: Whatever it better be good.

Desti jabbed Wario in the ribs, annoying him.

Desti: Lighten up Bucko, Not everything is about you.

Wario growled at her...

But then attention was on the gates as Mario kicked open the doors, all to say...!


???: What the hell is Mario 10 day?

The momentum froze as eyes turned to a nearby koopa.

Koopa: It sounds like you just got the fact that March 10th conveniently abbreviates to-


The koopa went flying dead into the air, curtesy of Mario with a magnum pistol. He put it away and changed the subject quickly.

Mario: Mario has set up a bunch of Mario themed attractions for today! So without further ado...LET'S-A GOOOO!!!


Inside the castle, Mario had pulled out all the stops to truly make it feel like his day. Questions blocks, lights and his infamous M symbol lined the roof walls. Chonk dolls of Mario sat around the room with games to play as giant letters spelling his name were lined up on the top floor.

There was a small pool where you would try and grab Spaghetti plates with your mouth only. Saiko held Emily as Tari gave it a go, earning a thumbs up and a laugh from both. Bowser tried, but ended up fishing an old man to Kaizo's confusion.

A couple of mini Mario chonk's were set up in a sort of petting Zoo. Melony and Crystal were both enjoying themselves and laughing while Luigi was getting mauled by the same chonks.

Wario and Waluigi were about to spray-paint a giant Mario doll in the corner when Desti put her splatter-shot to the side of their heads. They quickly backed off...

Wimpu found a door labelled "Mario's Tunnel of Doom", making the stupid decision to open it as he was blasted by a mysterious beam of light.

Aziz: Get your Mario hats! Only 70,000 doubloons!

Aziz was selling Mario hats to all, with Meggy and Boopkins wearing them while she also fitted out Alice with one to take a picture in. Swag also joined in, donning a cap while riding a Yoshi.

Swag: It's time for SUPER SWAG 69. YAHOOOOOO!

He shoved a VHS in the Yoshi's "Egg dispenser" that caused him to explode, launching Swag past the "Do the Mario corner." People danced to his iconic theme and Mario even passed by, deciding to join in.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now