Mario Steals your Liver

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Plot: Something is wrong with Mario and it's up to Crystal and Smg4 to figure out what...

(December 3rd - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 33 weeks)

Today was already turning into a weird one.

Mario was lying on a couch in the castle hall, looking really sick. Something was wrong, he was violently coughing one second and half dead in the next.

Nearby, Smg4 was with Crystal who'd arrived to witness the situation.

Smg4: And when I came here, he was like this!

Crystal: Is Uncle Mario gonna be okay Mister 4?

Smg4: Crystal, I...I think this is serious. I'm gonna call a doctor...

Crystal: Maybe he just ate something bad?

Crystal grabbed a bottle of water.

Crystal: When I get sick, Mommy always says to drink plenty of water! Maybe that'll help Uncle Mario?

Smg4: Uh, worth a shot Kiddo.

Crystal: Uncle Mario, can you drink this please?

Mario swatted the bottle away.

Crystal: Cmon Uncle Mario!

He complained like a child, demanding apple juice.

Crystal: No, you need water!

He kept complaining until Smg4 reluctantly handed him a juice box. He swallowed the whole thing, before violently coughing and throwing the box away. It hit Toad, causing an explosion.

Crystal: Uncle Mario, please just drink the water! It'll make you feel better!

Smg4: Hang on Crystal, I've looked after Mario many times when he's had stomach AIDS. This should do the trick!

He presented a 1-UP mushroom.

Crystal: I'm not sure Mister 4, are you sure this is safe?

Smg4 callously tried to stuff the Mushroom in Mario's mouth, choking him.

Smg4: I'm sure it is, these things cure whatever the writers of the show want them too.

Crystal now looked incredibly confused.

Crystal: What?

Smg4: N-nevermind, just let me...stuff!!!

Smg4 started ground pounding the Mushroom into Mario's mouth.

Crystal: Uh, are you sure this is a good idea mister 4?!

Smg4: It's alright! Mario's just gotta...EAT THIS SHROOM!!!

Finally, Smg4 managed to slam it into his mouth, causing him to lie flat and still.

Smg4: See? He's fine.

Right as he said that, Mario seized violently and coughed up the mushroom, nearly hitting Crystal as it hit toad, once again causing an explosion.

Crystal: Mister 4, this isn't working! Uncle Mario needs rest!

She quickly put a cool ice bag on his head and walked up the castle stairs.

Smg4: Crystal, where are you going!?

Crystal: I'm gonna make Uncle Mario some soup!


Crystal walked into the kitchen, cracking her knuckles.

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