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Plot: One rule about Saiko's apartment: Never go behind the pink door. But when did Mario ever follow the rules?

(May 29th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 5 weeks)

A couple weeks passed and Meggy felt like the worst mother in the world. She apologised to Crystal and she forgave her, but she still felt this...darkness in her soul.

She hoped today would cheer her up, as Saiko had invited a bunch of them over to hear her new song.

Meeting up in her apartment, Meggy, Melony, Desti and the Mario Bros huddled on the couch as Bob stood off to the side. Boopkins and Crystal sat on the floor as Saiko stood with her Amp and guitar at the ready.

Meggy: WOO, (Grabs Megaphone) THAT'S MY GIRL!!!!

Boopkins: I'm so excited to hear your new song!

Bob: Boo, we want rap music!

Desti quickly bonked Bob on the head with a bat.

Saiko smiled as she readied to play-

Mario: Wait!

Before having to pause because of Mario.

Mario: Mario needs to piss. Can you wait a second before you play your nursery rhyme?

Desti: Mario, We've been here 20 minutes already! You couldn't have gone before then?

Mario: You don't know how I live!

Mario hopped off the couch and walked off.

Saiko: I will kill him...

Bob: (Holding Camera) Hell yeah, do it!

Desti: Feel free to borrow my Splatter-shot for the occasion.

Mario walked down the hall and approached Saiko's forbidden pink door with a warning sign on it.

Mario: Hey! Is the toilet behind this door?

Saiko: No! Don't!

Mario attempted to open the door when Saiko ran in front of the door like she was Usain Bolt! Mario seemed surprised as Saiko seemed panicked.

Saiko: I mean...uh...the bathroom's over there...

Mario narrowed his eyes, elongating them as he stared directly into Saiko's eyes...before dropping it and going into the bathroom.

Saiko sighed in relief and picked her guitar back up.

Saiko: Sorry about that guys...Now where was I-MARIO!!!!

No sooner had Mario left the bathroom then Saiko saw him with his hand on the doorknob. Knowing the jig was up, He went into a frenzy to rip the door handle off.

Saiko leapt to grab him, but Mario pulled off a quick dodge and gave her the finger as she went flying into a wall. Saiko tried to grab him again, Landing Mario on the stove as he turned it up to 11. The fire burnt Saiko, but she grabbed Mario even as she was burning and continued strangling him.

Off to the side, Everyone looked on In bewilderment.

Luigi: Should we do something?

Meggy: Normally I would but I can't risk getting hit in the stomach...

Bob looked and saw the microphone, still unattended.

Bob: Besides, I've got a better idea!

Bob rushed to the Microphone, donning his old getup from his days as a popular rapper as he laid out a beat.

Smg4: Crystal Splezter 2nd BookWhere stories live. Discover now