Mario Reacts to Nintendo Memes 11 - Ft Crystal

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Plot: It's time for some classic Nintendo Memes with ya Boi Mario and his little Niece Crystal! Are your ready for the memes? Let's-A-Go!

(October 8th - 2022)

(Meggy Pregnancy: 25 weeks)

Mario: Goddammit, What is Mario meant to do now?

Preparing for his next Nintendo Memes video, Mario was at a loss. He'd planned for Meggy to appear but she'd been taking the time at home to relax and make sure her babies were healthy.

He didn't blame her, but he needed someone to react with him! It's not like opportunity was just gonna walk through the door.

And at that exact moment, Crystal walked through with a piece of paper in hand.

Crystal: Hey Uncle Mario, can you help me? I have a task from school that says I need to document an activity between me and a member of my family.

Mario's eyes went crossed, with his entire head turning on his shoulders and stretching to meet the child's gaze.

Crystal stepped back awkwardly...


Next thing you know, she was standing in front of a computer as Mario was heard falling from above.



He collided with the floor face first, pointing at Crystal.

Crystal: Uh...Memes!

Mario: Yahoo...

Mario passed out soon after.


(Banjo takes the fall = 0:00 - 0:05)

Mario: Pffft, Mario can do way better!

Mario is suddenly shown on the smash bros stage, doing jump up platforms until he slips on a banana peel. He falls, but the sounds of a lot more breaking bones can be heard on the way down.

Crystal quickly runs in with a medkit.


(Luigi vs Link gone wrong = 0:05 - 0:19)

Watching this, Mario and Crystal looks confused and shocked as Mario thinks for a moment.

Later, Mario is seen trying to stuff Link Into Luigi's mouth as he screams.


(Pipe Monkey = 0:23 - 0:33)

Mario laughed, but Crystal quickly used a lightning bolt to destroy the computer, prompting Mario to pat her on the head.


(Link rhythm = 1:05 - 1:39)

Crystal: Woah, that's so cool!

Mario: Hey, I got an idea, wanna try it?

Later, Crystal was in her rapping attire as Mario and her did...this.

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