You Made Mario Do This

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Plot: With their traumatic western experience over, Smg4 puts his focus back on completing the new castle at last and progress is going well! Unfortunately, an unlikely character shows up to literally stand in his way...

(July 15th - 2023)

The western experience over and a large chunk of Meggy's trauma healed, It was time for a new chapter in the Smg4 crews lives: The construction of their new castle!

As the construction was nearing its end, Smg4 stood proud before the site as Mario stood next to him, bursting with excitement.

Smg4: I can't believe we're finally gonna have our own castle Mario...

Mario moved back into place, his voice distorting as he yelled with joy! After everything they've been through, nothing could stop-!

???: The castle can't be finished.

Hearing those words, Smg4 and Mario shrivelled up in shock. They turned to face the TF2 engineer, Smg4 particularly furious.

Smg4: What...what do you mean?

The engineer pointed to the side, where Smg4 and Mario turned to be met with confusion and shock.

Marty, the cardboard cutout himself, was just standing in the middle of construction, preventing any of the supply vans from continuing on.

Engineer: This cardboard fella just appeared this morning and is blocking construction.

Mario looks confused and sad, but Smg4 managed to find a laugh in it as he strolled over to Marty.

Smg4: Hahaha! Are you serious? It's just a piece of cardboard.

Smg4 simply went to lift the cutout away, but found him to be seemingly welded to the ground. No matter how hard he tried to pull Marty away or push him over, it was Smg4 who fell into the dirt.

Putting some effort into it, Smg4 spit in his hands and prepared to pull, but when he did, His arms both popped off and he hit the ground. Extremely annoyed, he saw Mario standing over him.

Mario: Sorry Smg4, Marty can be a bit stubborn at times...

Smg4 stood up in frustration, reattaching his arms.


Mario tried being the peacemaker, trying to talk to Marty.

Mario: Hey Marty Bro, can you move please? (Hugs Marty) We really need this space...

Still, Marty remained unmoving.

Smg4: OI!

Mario turned to Smg4, who was now taking drastic measures to get rid of Marty as he brought out a box cutter almost the same size as him.

Smg4: Stop talking to it ya dumbass!

Smg4 stepped forward, Intent on cutting Marty in half as Mario tried stopping him, getting between them.

Mario: Smg4, no! That'll only anger him!

Ignoring him, Smg4 yelled with a lunge and went to stab Marty, Mario diving out of the way as the cutter made impact-


Only for the thing to bend as it made contact, causing Smg4 even more rage.

Taking things to the next level, Smg4 tried a chainsaw to no effect. He tried hitting Marty with a sword, but it bounced back into his own head.

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