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Miami, FLFriday 8:30amTrue's house

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Miami, FL
Friday 8:30am
True's house

Stirring up from his sleep, True found that the spot next to him where Essence once laid was now empty. He would of wondered where she was, but the smell of breakfast being freshly prepared downstairs had already given him his answer. He went dragging himself out of bed before making his way into the hall and descending down the stairs.

As expected, he found Essence cooking at the stove. One of her hands were occupied making pancakes and in the other hand was her phone, pressed against her ear. It was clear she was talking to someone but True couldn't hear much of the conversation. Once he made it to the very last stair, he could finally hear her words clearer.

"Just don't tell him, okay?" Essence spoke in a low tone to whoever was on the other side of the call, "He can't get mad if he doesn't know."

True's face scrunched in confusion as he listened in on the conversation Essence was having. While he was curious about who she was talking to, he also wasn't one of those crazy insecure men who instantly jumped to conclusions and he surely didn't have any trust issues.

Taking another step into the kitchen, True softly cleared his throat to create a bit of noise so Essence would be aware of his presence. Immediately her head shot towards where he stood. She looked like she had seen a ghost or that he had simply startled her, to say the least.

"I didn't know you were up." Essence said, looking over her shoulder at an eavesdropping True. She immediately ended the call on her phone barely even saying goodbye, "How long have you been standing there?" She asked him.

"Not long." True responded groggily since he was still partially waking up. While he made his way over to the fridge for water, he planted a kiss against the side of Essence's face when walking by.

"Did you hear anything I was saying?" She then asked him and he shook his head before chuckling at her question.

"Nah and Ion' know what yo' sneaky ass up to but don't forget that I hate surprises...if that's what you on." He reminded her and she smacked her lips at him.

That was his best guess about her secretive phone call and Essence hated that he was already catching onto her plans.

"First of all, don't worry about what I'm doing." Essence laughed while placing a plate of the breakfast she had been preparing in front of him, "And maybe that was my other man on the phone, you never know." She joked, watching him grin at the silly remark.

"Yeah right. You ain't dumb enough to be talking to another nigga behind my back, in my house at that." True shook his head and said before taking a few bites of the scrambled eggs that were on his plate.

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