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Miami, FL
Thursday 5:35pm
Chassidy & Rico's house

"I'm definitely Rei's favorite auntie." Aladrea teased as she passed Reina into Essence's arms.

"Girl, don't speak for her." Essence replied, "Rei Rei, who do you love more?" She questioned to the baby who couldn't do anything more than babble.

"See, she definitely said me." Aladrea spoke, holding her arms out to take the baby back.

"Don't be tossing my baby back and forth like no damn bean bag!" Chassidy chimed in from the kitchen, making her best friends giggle.

"Sorry, I'm just excited since I haven't seen her in a while." Essence said while fixing Reina comfortably into her arms.

Essence had been sick the last few weeks, so she had refrained from being around Chassidy or the baby—just to be safe.

"Did you ever figure out what it was?" Aladrea asked and Essence shook her head while shrugging.

"Honestly, I'm not even sure but I'm definitely leaning towards food poisoning." Essence told her and Aladrea's brows furrowed at the answer.

"I don't know, I still think it was the stomach flu or something. Nobody has food poisoning for three weeks straight." Aladrea replied and Chassidy nodded from the kitchen.

"I agree, it would make more sense if it was a stomach virus too, considering it'd probably be easy for you to catch that from someone while working in an hospital." Chassidy agreed with Aladrea.

"I haven't been back to work since, but I'm sure Dr. Martinez will let me know today once I get there." Essence shrugged it off, not really concerned about the issue since she was feeling better now.

"Reina is so beautiful Chas. She might even be finally giving me baby fever—and y'all know I don't play that. I definitely had plans on being the rich, kid-free auntie but...maybe one won't hurt." Aladrea laughed while adjusting the tiny bib that hung around Reina's neck.

"Yeah...that's all Rico says too. He's so obsessed with her." Chassidy gushed, a smile on her face, "He never puts her down. Soon as he comes in the house, she's the first thing he goes for. Definitely gonna be a daddy's girl, a spoiled one too." She spoke while playfully rolling her eyes.

"I still can't believe you're a mommy." Essence said with a smile, "And a Fiancée too! Love this for you Chas."

Rico had spontaneously proposed to Chassidy just a few weeks before their baby was born. They were already on top of wedding planning, aiming for something around the time Rico would be finished with school. Essence and Aladrea had never been so happy for their best friend. None of them ever expected her to be the first out of the three to start a family and get married, but life was funny like that.

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