45. The apology

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The nerve was pulsating like a drumbeat. You found yourself fidgeting in the car seat, knees trembling with spiking intensity, every fibre of your being vibrating with pure anxiety. Your heart picked up its pace, accelerating every beat carefully. Worry or concern was too futile to be felt at that time, oh no, it was more like a surge of rage with an animalistic and deafening need to pounce at the thought of Zauqi's tears.

You were glad Jungkook was driving fast without asking you any questions. He did try to argue against the fact that Zauqi is safe and his sister will not do anything to harm him. But seeing your spiked state, he decided it would be best to calm you down and show you yourself that Zauqi is unharmed.

You wanted to scream and yell from the top of your lungs, blaming your husband for allowing Zauqi to stay at Eda's place. But your emotions were too heightened to see anything past your fear of Zauqi's well-being. When the car reaches Eda and Taehyung's driveway, you don't waste time before rushing out of the car and banging against her door. ''EDA! Open the door or I will break your fucking door down!''

The door slides open with a frowning Eda against the door frame. ''Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with you?''

By seeing her in PJ, hair messy and eyes narrowed in weariness, your anger multiplied tenfold. How dare she sleep peacefully after hurting Zauqi? ''Where is Zauqi?''


You don't wait to hear from her before you push her out of the way and barge into her house. Jungkook protectively inched closer to Eda, ''Y/n, careful.'' Not liking the fact that you pushed his pregnant sister.

You couldn't care less at that time. You were ready to burn the whole house down if Zauqi isn't in front of you the next second. ''ZAUQI!'' You call out.

''What the fuck is wrong with her?'' Eda mutters, confused.

You search the rooms downstairs desperately when a frame of body meekly enters the living room. As soon as you see Zauqi, you freeze and let out the biggest sigh of relief. Not thinking twice, you run to him and kneel to smash your body against his. You squeeze his figure in between your arms. You remove yourself and cup his face to frantically search for any sign of distress. When you find his eyes clouding with tears, facing the floor and shoulder hunched, something triggers in you. Angrily, you stand up before narrowing Eda in your sight.

Fist clenching, you wanted to pounce and claw her eyes out for making Zauqi cry. At that time, all the given promises to Jungkook were long forgotten. You couldn't think anything past Zauqi's tears. Eda gulps and instinctively leans closer to Jungkook for protection.

As you furiously approach his sister, Jungkook immediately holds Eda closer to him in a protective side embrace. ''Y/n, stop.'' He warns.

''I dare you to fucking stop me!''

Before you can launch yourself to Eda, Jungkook comes in between you two to hold you down. ''Fucking let me go! I will kill her!''

''Y/n, calm down!''

''How dare you tell me to calm down?! I will not fucking calm down"'' You push his chest, feeling betrayed and angry. How could he be so calm when Zauqi is hurt?

''You are not trying to listen. You are getting it all wrong, Eda will never hurt him.''

You scoff, feeling your emotions intensify. ''You are gonna fucking defend this bitch?! How dare you?'' You seethe.

Sighing, Jungkook attempts to reach out to you but you take a step back. Lower lip trembling, you felt hurt. As stupid as it sounds, your heart hurts. How can he be so calm about this whole situation and protect Eda? Clearly, Zauqi and you mean very little to him.

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