30. Take a bite

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"Y/n, I finished my homework." Zauqi tries to negotiate. "Please, can I also bake now?"

You send him a frowning glare. You couldn't help it. But, Zauqi knew better than to get scared. In fact, the little boy doesn't even flinch whenever he is near you despite having an abusive past. He is too easygoing around you, giving you his full trust. 

Not backing down, Zauqi also glares at you, mimicking your frown in a cute manner.

Even though he forgot about the time you did harm him, you, on the other hand, will never let yourself forget that. You need to keep it locked in your head and play it as a reminder when it's necessary; ever since Zauqi stepped inside your house, he is now yours. Yours to keep, yours to protect. 

''No. It's dangerous.'' You wear the oven glove as you converse. 

''It is not.'' 

''It is.''

Placing a challenging hand on hips, the little boy huffs, ''How so?''

''The oven is hot.'' You deadpan. 

You are bad at baking and cooking, but you still tried to figure out how to turn on the damn thing. Groaning frustratingly, you mentally curse at Jungkook for not picking up your call. Where even is he? He should be home an hour ago. 

You hear a chuckle from Zauqi. Snapping another glare at him, ''Are you making fun of me?''

''Yes. How do you even not know how to turn on an oven?'' He asks. 

''As if you know it, tiny human.'' You sarcastically roll your eyes.

''Of course, I used an oven before. Dad was never home so I sometimes made food for myself.''

Starving wasn't unfamiliar to you but it moved something inhumane in you when you imagined a little child like Zauqi starving for days, waiting for his dad to come home with food. You didn't even want to ask how hard it was to learn those things by himself. Did he hurt himself in the process? Was there any help available for him? Did anybody even care to help? Never-ending thoughts crashed your mind. If anything, this makes you more determined to keep Zauqi away from the kitchen. 

''Well, I am not that dickhead. So, go to your room and wait till I am done.'' 

With a sigh, he was about to turn before an idea clicked in his brain. ''What if I help you decorate the cake?''

You think for a split second, ''Still a no.'' What if he falls from the stool while decorating? Still dangerous. 

''You're ridiculous. When is Jungkook coming? I am bored.'' 

Jungkook recently bought a new PlayStation for Zauqi. Every night, they both play while you observe their chaotic laughter and loud screams. You have never seen Jungkook so loud and happy, and you definitely never would've expected a kid as serious and adult-like as Zauqi to be free and able to show his childish side. But, you weren't complaining. Sharing your space with Zauqi is something you never expected yourself to adjust so easily.

''Well, I could tell you if he picked up my phone.'' You converse while still pressing random buttons to somehow make the oven do its job. ''How the fuck do I turn this damn thing on?''

''You're pressing the wrong button. It's the one on the left.'' Zauqi easily informed. You snap your head at the male who was mocking you with his gaze and telling you silently 'you-could-get-my-help-but-you-playing.' 

Frustrated at your failure, you groan before standing up and unamusingly folding your arms. ''Okay, fine. You can help me.''

''Yey!'' Zauqi jumps out of happiness. Seeing the excitement, your lip curve into a small smile, but you quickly brush it away. 

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