09. Breakfast

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You wake up in the arms of your husband. You inhale his scent, feeling the comfort diffusing around your body, sending it into an episode of serenity. You do not move, but inch closer to him. If it was you two years ago, even thinking about touching a man would send your body into an intense episode of a panic attack.

You notice his palm resting above your breast, and the other around your hips. Luna's bed was surprisingly comfortable, considering the fact that you cannot sleep anywhere else other than your bed. Maybe it isn't the location that matter, it is the presence of Jungkook that really makes a difference.

Now thinking about it, you do not mind her tiny space at all. It somehow felt like home. Not that you can define what a home truly feels like. Everyone has one but that doesn't mean that everyone can truly understand it.

You shift, waking Jungkook up in the process. He smiles, while his eyes were half-open. With a teasing smirk, ''Do you have to go and buy bed sheets again?''

You roll your eyes. ''Don't start. It wasn't for-''

''For Luna. I got it.'' He gets up, planting a kiss against your cheeks. You watch your husband getting up and crash the joint bathroom. He wasn't aware but there was a lingering irritation running through your veins. You didn't like how Jungkook was so convinced that you cared about Luna.

You do not care about Luna. Her existence doesn't make any difference in your life, neither it benefits you.

You get out of the bed and begin to strip from the PJs you found in Luna's drawer. You pretty much touched every corner of her house, if your mother-in-law found out about this, she would've definitely given you a long lecture about manners.


You turn and view Jungkook standing by the bathroom door. He hungrily gazes up and down. Only noticing his eyes on you ignited a fire within you. You are not traditionally the best at keeping your urges in control. Lucky for you, Jungkook never denies your needs.

Until you met Jungkook, you didn't know what it was really like to be comfortable with your own body and desire. He made you explore your own body more than you ever had in the past twenty-something of your life.

You pace towards him with the intention to crash your lips on his. But he halts your advances by clutching your hips. Wherever his finger dug, it burned like hellfire. You groan, growing annoyed at his smiling face. You hated how much control he had in you, but at the same time, you loved it.

It wasn't always you let him have control over you. It took Jungkook a long time to earn your trust both mentally and physically. ''We should eat first. You're hungry.''

''I am more hungry for you.'' You state.

Jungkook's lips taste your lower lips. A moan leaves your mouth when he separates from yours. ''First breakfast. Then we will do whatever you say.''

''Stop treating me like a dog.'' You snap. ''I am not your pet.'' You fold your arms over your almost naked chest. Jungkook's greedy eyes follow immediately after. However, he composes himself, knowing that if he starts now, you both will finish it very late and delay your meal even further.

Jungkook felt as if it was only yesterday he saw your lifeless, intoxicated and broken state on the floor. You were so weak and fragile as if your system only contained narcotics instead of food. Ever since the day he let you shelter in his house, he never let you skip meals. Although now you were very much fuller and sober, he still refused to bend a little when it came to your health.

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