17. Pamper

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Coming home to a cold, soulless house wasn't ideal. Jungkook helps you sit down on the couch with your broken leg. You don't say anything, mostly because you were extremely tired and sleepy. However, the cold awakening as soon as Jungkook stepped inside with you did a good job kicking your sleep away for a few minutes.

''Why is it freezing?'' You annoyedly ask.

''I will check the boiler. I think it turned off.'' With that, he leaves to see the source. This has been happening quite a few times now. You don't think much of it since all of these were usually handled by Jungkook.

Jungkook saw what he feared. With a sigh, he returned to you. "Y/n, yeah it's broken."

"It was fine before." You yawn as your eyelids soon feel heavy.

Jungkook comes closer to pick you up. The warmth from his body made you instinctively seek closer comfort to his body. You cave into him and he smiles by himself. He always loved how you always unconsciously seek attention. You will never admit and Jungkook will never mention it.

He placed you above the bed. Just when he thought you were fast asleep, you clutch his wrist to prevent him from leaving. "Stay."

"I have to fix-"

"I don't care. Stay." Your command came out gentler than usual.

With a nod, Jungkook slips under the blanket. He will be damned if he didn't give you what you wished for. He slips out of his clothes to give you more bodily warmth. You close your eyes and cave into his neck. He smells like security.

Jungkook places a kiss above your head before taking a good sniff of your locks.

You smell like home.


Minutes of comfort soon turned into hours. An abrupt sound jolted you out of sleep. Before you could calm your beaten heart, you realise the lack of comfort. You look around to find Jungkook but you fail. Anxiety slowly begins to seep into your veins.

The bathroom light was turned off and it was too late for him to go anywhere. ''Jungkook?'' You call out before stepping out of the bed.

You follow the sound along with the grumbles within your belly. Your injured leg surprisingly wasn't hurting as much as before.

You find the kitchen door open and its lights illuminating through the door. Following the source of light, you enter and find your husband chopping vegetables. Before disrupting his attention, your eyes view the clock. It is 3 am in the morning.


His brow raises along with his eyes. ''Y/n? What are you doing here?! You should've called me if you wanted to get up.'' He immediately returns to support you. His concerned eyes scan your leg. He found no sign of discomfort from you but that did not stop him from worrying. He brings a chair for you to sit comfortably.

''Why did you leave the bed?'' You ask, not pleased. He should know how uneasy you get when he is not around.

''Your belly was making sounds.'' He states with ease. Feeling embarrassed wasn't in your bones, so you respond by rolling your eyes. ''So I figured you will wake up hungry.''

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