18. Caring

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"Luna, drive a little slower, will you!?!" You sarcastically throw a comment at her driving skills.

"Oh, shut up."

"Didn't you say we are getting late? How about you actually start driving now? because a toddler can walk faster than this damn car." Luna only rolls her eyes at your comment. She decided to concentrate on her driving instead of entertaining your remarks.

In her defence, it has been a while since she last drove any sort of vehicle. She couldn't even remember the last time she rode a bike let alone a car.

"I swear to God-" Your speech halts as you slightly jump out of the seat due to the sudden halt of the car. "What the- why did you stop?"

Luna signals you to look to the front. A small boy was in front of the car, looking fearful and tense. "I almost ran him over!" 

You roll your eyes, "The speed you were driving, not even a single strand of his hair would've been harmed."

"Haha, funny. Now get up. He looks scared." Luna unbuckles her belt to reach the male.

"What?! No, I'm not speaking to him! Are you crazy?"

"Why? You're scared of kids? Never knew I would find your weak spot. Cute." She left you huffing but before you could reply, she was already out of the car to catch the child.

Why would a kid this young be even allowed to step outside the house without any parent? You decided to stay inside the car to avoid any confrontation. The last time you checked, kids and animals terrified you. The vulnerable little beings are way too scary than anything else in this world.

You observe how easily the words of comfort and reassurance came out of Luna. Her tone was soft and welcoming when she spoke to the boy, which you possibly could never achieve. His body immediately caved in when he saw no signs of danger from Luna.

You wait as they converse until you have a clear look at the boy. You tilt your head and take a good look at his familiar features.

"Zauqi?!" You immediately step outside the car and run towards him. Now your previously unbothered heart quivered in fear. More than ever, your eyes searched for any visible injuries. You felt foreign emotions like worries and concern engraving your insides.

"Are you okay? What are you doing here?!"

Luna was surprised to see you react this way all of a sudden. But she didn't interfere as it clearly meant something to you. She lets you take over as she observed Zauqi exhaling in relief and instantly embracing you.

You don't push him away. Instead, you feel how shaky and nervous his entire body was. That caused you to feel uneasy. Endless questions of what has happened and why was he running so fast on a busy road like this surrounded your mind.

Without saying anything, you rest your hand on his back, gently patting him in comfort.

It was awkward, but not too bad as you previously anticipated.


"You did not just bring a kid to a tattoo parlour.'' 

''I did.'' You stand straight and reply to Yoongi. Well, not for too long as the leg began to pain and you had to take a sit. However, your glare still remained. 

Yoongi sighs and looks at Jimin to take over. But the younger male only shrugs. ''Stop shrugging, and say something!'' Yoongi snaps.

''What do you want me to say? Aww, look at the little boy! He looks like a cute puppy.'' Jimin bends a little, ''Hello, sweetheart.'' He speaks in a baby voice to coo the kid.

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