03. Nightfall

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''Stop this. Let me go.'' Luna cries out, now feeling dejected and tired. She no longer attempted to fight or challenge. It has been almost four hours and you didn't show any signs to let her go.

''Now, I like that tone.'' You mention, taking a spoonful of the rice and enjoy the defeat in Luna's eyes. Luna looks into your orbs and felt repulsive. She hated you, and understandably so. And, you liked that. You preferred her real emotions towards you rather than the fake ones that people provides.

She didn't fear you, nor she faked it in order to survive. She knew you wanted to acquire her fear, yet she didn't give you that. ''You hate me, don't you?'' You ask with an insulting smile.

Luna mocks. ''Do I have to answer that?''

At that time, Jungkook walks in. He finished taking a shower and entered the living room. ''Baby, shall we start?'' You sweetly coo.

''No. You already know my answer.'' He simply states. You were not the type to give up so easily, nor you felt any sympathy for Luna's state. You were confident that sooner or later, you will convince him to give into you. That is your favourite thing your husband. He may be perfect for the world, but he can be at fault for the sake of you.

''You seem to be the sensible one. Can you let me go? I am tired and I have work tomorrow.''

Jungkook glances in her direction. His eyes moved towards you before answering, ''If Y/n wants you to stay, then you're staying.'' He indifferently answered. You smirk at his answer. However, your smile flattens a second later when he adds, ''But I am not doing whatever she asking me to do in front of you.''

Luna kicks with her tied legs angrily. ''Are you fucking serious?! Is my life some kind of joke to you?! You sadistic motherfuckers!'' She screams. ''Let me go!''

''Shh, you're being too loud now.'' You lazily roll your eyes. ''As for your work, I will tell your boss that you are with me. Your bosses are my sister-in-law and her husband.''

Luna had to interest to entertain this psychotic family. She simply wanted to mind her own business and carry on surviving like she has been doing up until now. You walk to the kitchen and serve food on a plate before returning to your captive. ''Here, open your mouth. I will feed you.''

Luna scowls in return. ''You think I care about food right now?''

''No?'' You simply shrug. ''Okay then.'' You put the plate on the dining table.

''Y/n, follow me.'' Whenever Jungkook called you by your full name, you know he isn't too pleased with you. He walks towards your shared room, you follow him. 

Jungkook does not like to argue with you. He was never too fond of the aftermath of arguments. Your body going into shock and anxiety attacks wasn't something he wished to witness. However, he will still nevertheless manage to find a way to put his point across.

He may not win against your stubborn personality, but he sure knew how to maneuver his way into your demands. He knew exactly what to do to tame your obnoxious way down. Although, he tries it very rarely and only when it's very needed.

''I did nothing wrong, Jungkook.'' You tell him straight away.

''You kidnapped someone.'' He reminds you.

''And? What about it?''

Jungkook tries to remain calm, although anger was slowly raising his blood pressure and inching near his control. ''You will release her, right now.''

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