20. Bittersweet

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Your feet were nailed to the ground whereas your face was filled with pure terror. People rushed into the space, panicking and screaming equally to the injured kid.


He is no one to you. You have only met the boy a few times now and all the encounters have been unfortunate. Yet, you were drawn to him. You do not know why, and perhaps you will never be able to figure it out. However, despite everything, it felt like home when you were with him.

Maybe in a way, you saw yourself in him. A captured, estranged soul who's begging to be set free. Maybe, just maybe you wanted to provide him that freedom he caved, maybe you wanted to be his home.

The boy's screech pained your ears. Your lashes were heavy with tears. Is that what it is? Guilt.

The ugly, suffocating pain. Was it guilt?

Your eyes move towards the corner of the countertop. It was covered with his blood. You see Jungkook screaming at everyone to call for help. His hand was pressed against Zauqi's bleeding head.

Seeing blood brings back a lot of memory. Positive and negative. All the negative one consisted of you witnessing people, specifically the ones you had gotten close to, bleed to death. And positive; Saki getting killed right before your eyes.

Even your positive memories consisted of gory. So what makes you think there's any room for happiness in your life?

You were still sitting, soilless on the floor when Zauqi was taken away from the room. The ambulance came and everybody followed right after him.

You weren't sure if anyone called your name, or even anyone approached you. You may have shut off, but the rest has and fulfilled their own sets of responsibility to take Zauqi to safety.

A broken chuckle left your mouth; and they thought I was keeping Zauqi safe...

Everyone was gone.

The room is finally empty. Finally quiet. No scream, no cries. Just peace.


Anger burned his skin. Seeing his bloody palm made him enraged enough to kill; Either himself or someone. His punches flew across to smash the glass cabinet that he found before him.

It scarred his fists, even pained a little. But he felt none of it. He was furious. At you, at himself... for even believing that you changed or you cared for Zauqi.

His ignorance hurt a little boy. He will never forgive himself for this.

He yelled once again, and the empty room echoed before a few more crashes and kicks followed. Anything he found, he felt like smashing.

"Jungkook! Stop!" Taehyung approached to control him. "You acting like this won't help! The doctor said he's fine! It's not a major injury."  He tried to sense.

"That is not my fucking point, Taehyung!" He pushed the male away. "He is still hurt! Y/n hurt him! I HURT HIM! It's my fault."

Sighing painfully, "It isn't." Taehyung calmly states. But Jungkook heard none of it. He went again to boot the broken furniture once again.

Taehyung figured it is best to let him take his frustration out. He doesn't get to cleanse his system often when you're near him.

Taehyung steps out of the room only to guard it. He made sure no one entered the room while Jungkook was destroying every piece of furniture in the room.

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