40. The Jealousy Game

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Apologies for running a little late, I was going to update hours before but then I realised I wanted to type more since I wasn't satisfied, so here I am uploading now!


You stare at the shot of tequila, given by the bartender upon your impulsive request. Seeing Jungkook ignoring you and having no improvement in terms of your plan for the past half an hour had you frustrated nonetheless.

Now that you do have the alcohol before you, your hand tremors at the thought of swallowing the toxic liquid down. You haven't had a drop of drink ever since Jungkook took you under his care. If it wasn't for him, you would've never recovered from the substance abuse. The memory of those days had your skin chilled.

Is taking one shot worth it? Maybe that can give you some strength to get through this night without murdering Emily and any other bitches that will be breathing near your husband.

Even Taehyung wasn't here to stop you or distract you. "Come on, woman! Take the shot!" The bartender yelled out, with amusement in his tone.

Your eyes move to Jungkook. The way he's examining Emily, immediately intensified your anger. Maybe one shot wouldn't be too bad.

Before you could give in to the temptation, the shot glass gets snatched from your hand in a matter of seconds. "Hey!" You screech at whoever did that.

Upon looking, you see your husband's heated glare. You couldn't help but wince a little at the view of his deadly stare under the dimmed light of the bar. "What the fuck are you doing?" He spits out.


"You aren't allowed to drink."

Oh, that rubbed you wrong. First, he doesn't even glance at you and now he thinks he can come as he pleases and tell you what to do.

"Fuck you, Jungkook. You're my friend, remember? So be a friend and give it back!" You try to snatch the shot but he raises his arm to keep the glass from your reach as if you were a child.

His attitude had you fuming. You were close to snapping, but with a tight jaw and clenched fist, you huff out loudly before turning to the bartender, "Give me another shot, since my friend here wanted to have a taste of my drink."

Jungkook pins the waiter a look that immediately had him halt down his movements. "She's banned from drinking. If I see you serving her any drinks, watch what I do to you."

"You can't just openly threaten him!"

"Try me. I know the owner of the bar, I can easily have him stripped away from his job.'' He made sure to say it loud enough for the bartender to hear. 

''Behave, Y/n." 

Like hell, you will.

You never felt so jarred and displaced by your own emotions. You felt like an alien to your own body when all you do is deny your urges of destruction and force yourself to behave and restrain your wrath.

You don't notice when he leaves your sight again by the time you finish breathing in and out to compose yourself. What the fuck? The man had the audacity to return back to Emily after pulling this shitshow. It's like not only Jungkook but the entire universe is testing your patience today. Not that you believe in the universe, of course.

Fuck Jeon Jungkook. You can do whatever you want.

Except you can't. Not tonight.


Psycho→𝙅𝙅𝙆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora