04. Be a lady

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You were stood at the front of the door with Jungkook. He requested for you to come with him and despite swearing to not come near this house ever again, here you are.

His parents were never too fond of you. You didn't blame them either; you met Jungkook at a place where society deems to be forbidden or unacceptable. You were known to be the disgrace of this society, a corrupted human who made many unforgivable decisions.

You do not have any memory of the time when you met Jungkook for the first time. Mainly because you were highly intoxicated on drugs that closeted you away from reality. You were in your ugly when he was at his best. From day one, he had the correct intention in his head whereas you always have been in a position that you couldn't be proud of.

You were too flawed for Jungkook. And his parents were aware of that.

You never gave anything to Jungkook, whereas he was always there for you. At your every step, he put your head up. If it wasn't for him, you would have never gotten out of that hellhole, and if it wasn't for him, you would definitely not be alive right now.

''Let's go, baby.'' His gentle grip was against your waist.

You grumpily look at him, ''I hate your parents.''

''I know, but they have been bugging me for a while now. They promised to behave.''

''Well, I can't promise the same.''

Jungkook smiles, ''Never expected you to behave, babygirl. But one thing I can say is, if you behave today, you will be rewarded tonight.'' He winks in your direction.

Jungkook always had his way to convince you. If anyone in this world could tame your wilderness, that would be Jeon Jungkook.

You both enter the Jeon household. You were not nervous though, because it was his parents who should be nervous at your arrival. As you think about them, you witness their presence on the couch. They were seated, sipping onto their morning coffee. Your eyes move to Jungkook's mother, sitting with her legs crossed and posture straight. She always compared you with herself and her own daughter. They were too sophisticated and proper for you; always lecturing you on how to be more ladylike and serve your role as a devoted wife. Even the thought of those conversations earned a roll of your eyes.

''Good morning, Y/n.'' She greeted you first.

''Hi.'' You say lazily.

''Hey, Y/n.'' Eda was the next one to greet. You sarcastically smile at her. You didn't like her, she was everything you were not. A businesswoman at a very young age, highly educated and smart. She always looked perfect; her hair is always done nicely with no free strand of hair obstructing her perfectly sculptured face, whereas her outfit was elegant.

There were many insecurities engraved deep into your heart. But you didn't like to act on it. You would rather blanket them with your arrogance and careless personality. People like to see the vulnerable side, so they can use it against you; so fuck, if you will ever allow anyone to use your weakness like that.

Jungkook's father stands up without greeting you. He gives his son a look before leaving the living room. Jungkook got the hint, ''Y/n, baby you take a seat. I will go talk to my dad.''

Your brows knit immediately when you glare at your husband. He knows you hate when he leaves you with his family alone. But, before you could protest, he takes the leave.

With a scoff and a mental reminder to have a fight with him about this, you take the spot on the couch. You didn't bother sitting as your mother-in-law approved. Your legs were wide open, contrasting her crossed ones. You lean fully against the couch, unlike her arched backside with a straight posture.

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