35. Another chance

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Unedited, so please be kind to any errors you may find! Typed this in a rush since I had a dissertation due! Happy reading <3


Time moves at an agonizing pace. His fingers trace the softness of your skin slowly, as if not able to believe that you are here; on a bed, safe and sound. Jungkook silently observes the slow rise of your chest, breathing calmly. Although his heart was at peace seeing you safe in front of him, it did not dispute the battle inside his head for even leaving you alone at Saki's mercy.

The mere thought of the fucker made his blood boil all over again. Whatever he did after finding Saki wasn't enough, he itched to torture him more, to send him to the brink of his death but pull him in last minute only to repeat the torture all over again. He deserved thousands of agonizing death. But he forced himself to even out his breathing for the sake of you. You are safe. You are here, that's all it matters. He chants in his head as a reminder.

His grip against your palm tightens at the thought of losing you once again. He can only be relieved that he found you, otherwise he had no idea what he would've done if he was too late. But the satisfaction he searched for didn't come to him for some reason. Perhaps it will only come when you open his eyes. Despite the doctors informing him that you are fine, he found it difficult to indulge the fact until he himself sees you and hears you talk.

Hoseok enters the room and witnesses the same scene he saw last night; Jungkook, next to your bed, patiently waiting for you to wake up. He sighs, remembering how he refused to leave your side, even when Luna or his other friends offered to look after you.

''Jungkook, a word?'' Jungkook glances after the serious expression on Hoseok's features. As a therapist, he may have an overall relaxed and sociable personality but Jungkook was one of the few who had witnessed Hoseok's extreme side; the strict and no-bullshit spirit that he brings out when shit goes down.

Jungkook didn't want to leave your side, but he knew better than not to follow Hoseok's instruction. As they enter Hoseok's office, the older man exhales before taking his seat. ''I will get straight to the point and not beat around the bush. Friendship aside and as a professional, I would like to advise something to you that benefits Y/n.''

Jungkook's shoulder stiffens at that. ''What is it?'' Something tells him he is not going to like what he's going to hear.

With a professional nod, he gestures for Jungkook to take a seat. ''Before I start, I would like to say that you have tried your best and as a therapist, I am glad to see that. And as a friend, I have nothing but respect and support for you.''

''Hyung, what are you trying to say?'' Jungkook didn't mean to spit out harshly, but all the stress and pounding migraine were irritating him. Not to mention there was a lingering fear and unease in his chest that Hoseok will say something that he will find difficult to indulge.

''Look Jungkook. She is not facing her trauma and as much as I appreciate you looking out for her for so many years, protecting her and shielding her from the world, I don't think that will benefit her in the long run.''

With a harsh inhale, "And your point is?''

There was a quick, excruciating pause. ''Maybe both of you separating isn't the worst idea.''

''Hoseok.'' Jungkook warned. His fist clenched against his knuckles. He loved the older male but at that point, he wanted to jam his fist on his face for even suggesting such ideas.

The reality crashed into Jungkook. Why are you surprised, Jungkook? Isn't that what you fucking wanted when you left her that night? A part of his head taunts him.

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