07. Chocolate

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Apologies for the late update, it was my birthday! (Guess my age!)


Lucid stars draped around the sky tonight. You wonder about the change in the weather when a few minutes ago, there was chaos in both mother nature and your mind.

You walked with the seven-year-old next to you. You wonder what is Jungkook doing with his father. You had no worry or sympathy for what was coming for the man. In fact, you even wanted his little son to witness what kind of treatment his father will receive but to your disappointment, Jungkook refused to let any other kid be scarred by you.

You don't like kids. And you have no plans to even bring one to this world. Why would you bring someone to the messed up world and burden them with emotional baggage and responsibilities which may kill them later on? Raising them also needs emotional investments, which you couldn't afford.

Besides your hatred towards babies, you also couldn't reproduce. You were sterile

During your teen hood, you made many wrong choices and that lead you to be exploited and eventually to be sold off. You do not have any memories of how you ended up being there, as your days only consisted of being overdosed and drunk. Toxic fluids ran in your veins more than purity in your blood. You were desperate and a mess when they decided to sell you off to a market and trade your fertility. They took away your motherhood so you took away their breath.

(Next chapter will be a bonus chapter on how they met)

You look at the boy next to you, still his eyes glued to his gadget. You may act tough in front of anyone, but the only thing you feared in this life are babies and children. How can anyone take care of and even tolerate such fragile and sensitive beings?  How are you even meant to act around them?

Keep it together, Y/n. Show him who the real boss is.

Without a second thought, you snatched the phone off his hand and threw it across the road. ''No!'' He was about to run to the road without caring about the running cars. You grab his collar, preventing him to chase after his now broken phone.

''Leave it, kid.'' You calmly state. ''You will not get it back.''

He glared at you with passionate, unspoken fire in his eyes. Even though his height was short, his attitude was towering you. You curve your lip, impressed. You fold your arms together before throwing a question, ''What? Anything to say, big guy?''

He said nothing but flare his nostrils at you. He was not going to talk back at you, but that didn't mean that he was not angry. Without sharing a word, he carried on walking forward. ''Where are you going?''

Ugh. Why are kids so annoying?

He finds a bench to sit on. You look around the area; It was a quiet, peaceful residential area. You assumed people in this neighbourhood are fast asleep. You take a seat on the same bench, leaving a fair amount of space between you two.

There was an awkward silence between you two. You impatiently tap your foot and stare straight with an emotionless expression on your face. After a few good minutes, you side glance at the little boy. You realise by now he is not like a typical, over-enthusiastic and oddly optimistic seven year old you always meet. He was much calmer and more mature than any other children of his age.

''So.'' You clear your throat. ''What's your name?''

No response.

''Are you mute?''

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