41. Promise

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''Jungkook, slow down!'' You complain as he fast walks through the long corridor of the hotel to get to his suite. However, he hears none of your protests despite your legs straining due to the long and rushed strides he was taking. He was blinded by the complete fury that took over his senses. He still was itching to do more damage to Aiden's features for daring to touch you. 

''Jungkook, you're hurting me.'' That does the job. He halts down abruptly, making you bump against his hard shoulder. He sends you one final look before grabbing your waist and picking you up to resume his journey. 

By the way his jaw was tight and eyes flaring flames, you thought he would toss you on his shoulder like a caveman. But despite his blazing emotions and steely body, his touch against you was gentle and soft. 

You begin to trace the dry blood against his lips and the temple of his forehead silently, wishing that you could tend and lick his wounds clean if you were given the chance to. By the time you reach his suite, cool and tense air hits your skin. He puts you down on the couch before entering the bathroom. You contemplated following him but the door slides open again, revealing him with a wet towel. He silently approaches you, face still looking like murder and vengeance. 



''Take your clothes off.'' He orders, voice stony and deeper than usual. 

Without sparing any thoughts, you begin to unbutton your blouse. Apparently, you were taking too long, so he leans closer to yank your shirt away before you could. The warm towel comes in contact with the side of your lower waist, right above your hipbones and you involuntarily wince. 

What the? There was a faint, long bruise above your hipbone. When did you get hurt and how the hell Jungkook know but you didn't? Did Aiden cause this injury?

He silently cleans your wound with the warm towel but you weren't focused on that. His head was eye-level with your naked breasts as his soft brown locks slightly tickles your nipples with each movement. You bite your lower lips before inhaling a sharp breath when you find your nipples peak with arousal. 

The moment was cut short when he puts a plaster on the cut and stand up. ''What the fuck were you thinking?!'' He barks all of a sudden. You try to stand up when he shouts once again, ''Sit back down.''

Your eyebrows knit together at the unwarranted demand but he wanted you sat while he speaks to you because he didn't want to irritate your wounds. 

You still stand up, defiance strong in your eyes. ''Didn't I tell you to sit down?''

''You don't get to order me around when you are speaking to me like that.'' You fold your arms together, pressing your boobs together. His eyes momentarily move to your chest before he closes his eyes and take a sharp breath for composure. 

''Why the fuck did you follow Emily and that fucking bastard into that room? What the fuck were you thinking? You could have seriously gotten hurt, Y/n!''

''I wasn't thinking!'' You snap back. ''It wasn't me who encouraged Emily to fuck me-''

Your upper arms were immediately seized by him. Jungkook shakes against his grip on you before he uttered lowly, ''Don't you dare repeat that sentence ever again.''

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