05. Helping hand

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Your feet stops before your impulse to destroy everything could. You hear Taehyung calling you from behind and catching up to you. Taehyung ceases when he sees your eyes being stuck to the scene before you. He follows your sight and views the dinner table.

Jungkook and Sara were sitting next to one another. Opposite to them remained Jungkook's parents and sister. Next to Sara, you found her parents sitting and casually chatting away with occasional giggles.

Taehyung could detect the discomfort and disinterest in Jungkook's eyes. But he doubted, your anger allowed him to see that. Your fury blinded all the possibilities of considering Jungkook's feelings and only allowed you to pay attention to your own flawed judgements.

You witness Sara occasionally touching Jungkook as she laughed at something his parents had said. All drinking and having a pleasant time as if you were not present. Her fingers then found the plate of steak. She gently cut through the meat before nibbling it in a manner that your mother-in-law would like. She then urged Jungkook to take a bite off her own fork.

That ticked you off. Before Taehyung could drag you away, your feet launched to their peaceful dinner. You snatch the fork and twist her wrist before yanking her hair. The fork then flies in the air before you attempt to stab her eyeballs.

A fearful screech falls into the room when you freeze; the edge of the fork only being a centimetre away from her hazel irises. ''Y/N!'' You were not sure who called your name as your eyes were fixated on Sara's trembling ones.

Her eyes watered and she feared to even blink since the fork was way too close to completely destroy her sight. You smirk knowing that she submitted against your stances. She knew better than to fight her fates that lies in your palm.

''Y/n, stop.'' Jungkook's demanding tone spoke. Unlike all the members in the room, he was very calm.

''Y/n! Stop it! What are you doing?'' The older Jeon talks. His wife and Sara's parents were fearful of your absurd stunt. Eda attempted to walk near you, ''Come here and she loses her eyes. Don't challenge me, Eda.'' You warn without looking.

You lean closer to Sara. ''Why are you not laughing now? Come on, show me that gorgeous smile.'' You dare. Sara frighteningly shakes as her eyes filled with tears. Her perfect face, showed a wrinkle of stress, a flaw. She was in too much of a shock. ''See now you look more like humans and less like an angel.''

Oh, how much you were enjoying her pain.

''Y-Y/n... please.'' Sara pleads, traumatised. 

''Touch my man, one more time. I dare you, I dare you to even try borrowing him once again and I will permanently borrow your existence, you fucking bitch.''

''Y/n, leave her.'' Jungkook tries once again.

Your lower lip trembles with mixtures of emotions. You were too broken at that moment to let him play with your emotions and ruin your own ways. You may be different from him, but you also had your own sets of morals. Own sets of rules that you follow and that included; no one meddles with your life and the people that belong to you. You only have Jungkook to yourself, then how dare they try to take the only person you have in your life?

You throw the fork on the floor before harshly releasing the grip against her perfect locks. You glare at Mrs Jeon, ''Is this what you wanted? For me to be more ladylike?'' You question, eyes burning at her frightened ones. You look down at the dress she made you wear. ''You like this dress?''

You take the bottom of your dress and rip it apart, revealing your thighs. Moving upwards, you give the same treatment to the top layer. Loss of fabric cost the air to hit your skin above your cleavage and upper belly. ''How do I look now?''

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