28. The curse

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''How about a celebratory drink?'' Stephan asks, already picking up the bottle of champagne.

''I will have to decline. My wife's not feeling well, we must return home.'' Jungkook politely forwards, gaining an amused look from Stephan.

''I must say, you're very devoted to your wife.'' Stephan pours the drink, ''But I insist. One glass harmed no one ever.''

Jungkook checks his watch once again. He had already stayed longer than he should have. A menacing feeling clustered his chest. He could only hope that you were safe and unharmed. He studies Stephan, since the deal is sealed, he doesn't have to act more than necessary. Therefore denying him shouldn't cost Jungkook anything in terms of business.

Before he could decline one more time, the door opens with Cara rushing inside. Jungkook had met the woman beside Stephan a couple of times. She always seemed calculative and mindful, always at her best and professional look and behaviour. To anyone, she may seem like a docile woman who's a shadow of her husband but Jungkook knew better. Before him, stood a woman, manipulative and cunning, who knows what is best for her and her husband's business. As the soon-to-be Queen, she knew exactly what she was doing at all times.

However, she did not seem calm and collected at that very moment. Instead, she was raging with anger. Seeing his other half distressed, Stephan immediately reaches her in worry. Her guards soon followed right after her. ''What's wrong?'' He demands to guards before looking worryingly towards his wife.

''Sarah is hurt. She has to be hospitalised immediately.'' She informs before darting at Jungkook. ''Your wife is a psychopath.''

''Excuse me?'' Jungkook's brow raised, unamused.

''Watch your tone, Jeon.'' Stephan reminds.

''I think I am perfectly capable of deciding on my tones. Now, where is my wife?'' Jungkook stands, not failing to remove his eyes from Stephan's glaring ones. 

''She will be in jail once we are done. '' Cara speaks in her authoritative tone. ''With this deal, Sarah becomes a part of us. We value our business partners as much as our family. I hope you understand how it can affect our contract, Mr Jeon.''

Jungkook gives out a dark chuckle, ''Maybe I am not clear enough. I will repeat once more for both of you and I promise the contract is the least of my concern right now. Now, where. is. my wife?''

''Sarah is our priority right now-''

Cutting her off, ''No, Mrs Wang, for you she is. For me, my wife will always remain my priority. Now if you excuse me.'' With that, Jungkook turns to leave.

''What have you done now, Y/n.'' Jungkook sighs painfully as he walks out of the chamber.


You slam the door shut before fidgeting your way to the bathroom. Your knees weaken and you fall to the ground. You shakingly and pure ragingly hold onto your knees and curl up in a ball. You felt like screaming and that's exactly what you do. A screech strains your throat as you fall into a breakdown.

You hate everyone.

You hate this world.

You hate... yourself.

Hatred is bound so deep in you that you can no longer differentiate if it's really for other people or is it simply your own hatred towards yourself that you're projecting on others.

You do not know how long you have been sitting on the floor, sobbing and simply shaking vigorously. The previous incident plagues your mind. Sarah's terrorising eyes that you enjoyed previously, now haunting you. You stare down at your palm. You see blood.

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