22. A change

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Luna walked home alone. The same emptiness clawed her throat like any other day. 

She wasn't doing well in her job recently. She took three days off from work to take care of you when you were injured and two more days for Zauqi. Due to that, her ratings suffered poorly which wasn't overlooked by her managers or Eda.

She had no idea Zauqi was her Landlord's kid. She was always so busy arguing with him that looking over at the kid behind him was never an option for her.

She wondered when he will come back demanding this month's rent.

She grabbed her phone and read the message all over again. It was her manager warning her about all the undetermined leave she took. Her only job was at risk, if she loses this source of income, she will be either homeless or Zauqi's father will kill her on the spot and sell her organs to repay her debt.

Either way, death seems like a sweeter option for her.

She sighed. The uncertainty of her future was poison to her. Thinking about the possible ways life will fuck her up was sickening.

You and Jungkook provide her with a temporary escape from reality when you are together. She likes talking to you. Although you don't promise her any intellectual, long conversations, she doesn't mind your presence. 

It is oddly comforting and easy with you.

You don't judge her by her bank balance or miserable life. You may be more stable in terms of finance than her, but mentally you were just like Luna; Both of you had a fucked up life.

The only difference is, that you escaped your darkness, Luna was still searching for a light that will pull her out of her misery.

She checked her bank balance again. Where does all the money go? How will she pay all these debts under her name? It doesn't help that her dying father also left her nothing but a thick stack of papers stating the amount of money she now owes to people.

Maybe selling her organs doesn't seem too bad of an idea now.

Then your name flashed in her head. Will you mind if she borrows money from you?

Maybe Taehyung can help? She thinks. They have been getting well pretty good recently.

She stops in her tracks. A painful sigh leaves her throat. She looks high up in the sky.

Luna, are you that pathetic?

She asks herself, "Why didn't you give me any dignity? I'm now thinking of taking money from my friends." She speaks to whoever was dictating her life from above.


That sure left a sour taste in her mouth.

Are they my friends? Do they consider this lowlife as their friends?


Taehyung parks his car with a frown disrupting his feature. Clutching the steering wheel tightly, his jaw clenched.

He replayed the previous incidence. When Luna had rejected his advances to drop her off at her place. She didn't reject the offer bitterly, yet he was bothered as if she placed a tight slap across his face.

Why was it bothering him so much?

He returned to his home yet he felt homeless. This shared place never felt like a home to him. Your and Jungkook's place felt more like his own than this house he shared with his so-called wife, Eda.

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