36. Let's eat

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Another long chapter for you! Happy reading <3


''So what's your plan?'' Yoongi questions, biting off the apple from the fruit basket they themselves brought for you.

''Hyung, pass me the banana.'' Jimin waves and with an eye roll, Namjoon complies. Before the banana could reach his hand, Taehyung comes and snatches it off before smacking his head. ''You dimwit, is the fruit for you or Y/n?''

''Ouch!'' Rubbing the source of injury, he moans out loud in annoyance. ''Why are you only hitting me?! Yoongi Hyung is also eating it, jackass!''

''I can't hit Yoongi Hyung, can I? So, you are getting both shares of the smacking!'' Taehyung throws while clicking his tongue.

''That doesn't even make sense!'' He shrieks, feeling unfair. ''Y/n, say something!'' As soon as your name rolled out of Jimin's mouth, Taehyung's mood soils. His eyes immediately travel to you and then the female next to you. Luna.

His heart skipped a beat with a strain, dissipating an odd tension upon taking a glimpse of Luna. She hasn't uttered a single word ever since Taehyung stepped inside the parlour. He wasn't stupid, he knew his presence was the sole reason for her silence. If he came today, it was simply due to Jimin's request. Otherwise, he would never dare to make Luna uncomfortable.

It's been almost three weeks, since he last spoke to her or even seen her smile. Three long weeks of only torment. That's the only thing he allowed himself to feel; torture and misery. It was his fault for giving in to his feelings and the temptations to kiss her. His fault for toying with Luna's feelings and allowing her to be publically humiliated by his wife and her family.

Although he blamed himself for everything, a part of him was also reasonably pissed at you. Not because you exposed him, but because your revenge-driven measures caused Luna's eyes to soak. He can even forgive you for wronging him, but he can't do the same for Luna. She may be the bigger person to forgive you and move on, but alas, he couldn't show you the same courtesy. 

You didn't miss Taehyung's unpleasant glimmer at you. You knew you will have to face Taehyung one day. ''Taehyung, give Jimin what he wants.'' But you opt for the next best option for now; ignore and act indifferent to his glares.

''See! Take that, asswipe.'' Jimin proudly laughs before grabbing the banana off his grip.

You notice the tension between him and Luna, but you figured you had your own man to focus on instead of ogling at their business. You wanted to give Luna the liberty to decide whatever happens between them. It's none of your business.

It became your business the day you created that scene. A part of your head retorts at you. But, you refused to let the guilt rule over you. You may have regretted hurting Luna, but Taehyung? Not at all.

At first, when you noticed the growing passion between the two, in a way, you wanted to support it. Because Eda was never good for Taehyung and their relationship might as well be as good as dead. But if he was toying with Luna's feelings and fucking his wife to impregnate her at the same time, then he can rot in hell.

''Alright, now onto the planning! Since Luna and Taehyung are here.'' Namjoon claps to gather attention. All of you were present in the tattoo shop after your shift ended. You called Luna and Jimin called Taehyung for help. Hence, the awkward silence when they cross each other's vision field.

''Let's wait for Hobie. I called him to help out too.'' Yoongi pipes in, this time fouling your temper.

You weren't that big of a person to be civil with Hoseok after finding out he encouraged Jungkook to leave your life. Maybe if you're sane enough, you would've seen the good intention behind his decision. But, unlucky for him, you never claimed to be good or sane.

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