34. I love you, I am sorry

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I merged two chapters together, so this chapter is very long! More than 4.8k words, enjoy!



You felt a shadow looming over your shoulder, pricking the neck hair and sending a slight shiver down your spine. But you brush away the thought as soon as Luna's loud voice pricks your hearing. 

''Okay, so I packed some clothes and necessities. The medicines are in the back pocket so whenever you feel nauseous, it will be an easy-access! The clothes and your other necessities are divided into sections. Your tickets are in your handbag. Oh! And also, I packed some food for you! So if you are hungry, do not starve yourself!'' She informs in one breath.

If you felt warm inside, you don't show it, ''Alright, mum.'' Your mouth leaves sarcastically. You wanted to thank her but the words remained numb on your tongue.

Luna rolls her eyes but carries on rambling about you taking care of yourself all over again. If the past few days taught you something, then it will be how much of a selfless person Luna is. And here you thought, such people don't exist. They do. Jungkook exists. A part of your brain called out immediately.

After finally done lecturing you, Luna then proceeds towards Namjoon to revise all the ways he can take care of you. The bigger male only nods, taking all the rambling of your current roommate in carefully. 

''Jesus, Luna! We get it!'' Jimin interrupts, earning a frown from the female. 

''Shut up, Jimin. Leave her alone.'' Yoongi comes to defend. 

You awkwardly stand still until Jimin's attention repositions to you. "Y/n, I will miss you so much!" Jimin cried out dramatically. He pulled you into a forceful hug, despite your protest. You roll out your puffy eyes at that. The man only giggles by squeezing you into his muscular arms more. "Jimin! Let me go!" You moan out of frustration.


If the trio knew about the current situation with Jungkook, they didn't show it. Nor they had any sympathetic look in their eyes. You didn't realise how relieved you were at that. You hate people and their fake need to show sympathy; why can't they just mind their own business like these three?

''Alright, everybody! Now leave us two be. We will manage and thank you Luna for the food. We will eat well.'' What you had struggled to convey to Luna, Namjoon did with ease. Luna's face brightens up with a smile at Namjoon's statement. That made you wish to be the reason for her smile too. Instead, you were the reason for her tears. 

Up until this moment, you did not regret revealing Taehyung and Luna's photos. You can't even recall when was the last time you felt such thing known as guilt over something you've done. But things have changed now. It was a hard pill to swallow when you realised you did in fact hate making Luna cry.

Maybe you also regretted losing Jungkook. But, your brain wasn't wired enough to admit that. At least, not yet. 

The drive to the station was surely quiet but not awkward. You liked the silence and Namjoon respected it. 

The next hour was gone by you settling well with Namjoon on the train. Observing you looking out the window with certain sadness looming on your feature,  Namjoon finds himself asking, ''Everything okay, Y/n?''

You turn to him upon hearing his voice, ''Hmm?'' You didn't really have any energy or interest to socialise, so you mentally wished Namjoon left you alone for the entire journey rather than try to make small conversation. ''Yeah, I am fine.''

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