29. Thief

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Luna checked her account again. Her rent was due and her bills were overdue. Groaning for the second time, she tossed the phone on the bed before making her way to the kitchen. Just when she opened her cabinet to make a quick meal, she was faced with the reality of her state. Empty cabinet.

It was a constant reminder for Luna that no matter how hard she works, her situation will never get better. Another vibration from her phone snapped her mind into reality. She mentally prayed that it isn't another reminder of the never-ending bills she has to pay.

She opens her notif and it is exactly what she has feared; a message from her little brother's boarding school.

Good morning, Ms Luna Li. The school fees of Isaac Li are due on 19/10/2023 for the month of October as well as the overdue tuition fees from the months of July, August and September. We request you pay the outstanding fees on time. As this has been recurring for more than three months, additional late fees will be included. This message is officially the final reminder of payment. Refusal to payments will prevent the following student from enrolling or accessing academic services from 1/11/2023 onwards.

Luna felt the need to scream. Clenching her phone against her hold, she sensed her eyes stinging with pain. However, she didn't know exactly what was hurting more; her body from overworking herself or her heart at the reminder of how much of a failure she is to herself and most importantly her little brother. 

What kind of sister am I if I can't even support my baby brother?

Her phone rings again, making her flinch from the sudden thoughts. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she reads the caller ID. Isaac. She quickly wipes her tears before pressing the call.

Luna only has one family member to support. Being parentless, she is the only guardian of her brother. Although Isaac never complains about their financial state, Luna still feels obligated to make his life comfortable.

''Hi!'' Isaac cheerfully greets. He gives her a warm smile before waving at her.

''Hi, bug!'' Luna tries to chirp her voice excitedly. ''How are you doing?!''

''All good, just finished exams. Before you ask, yes they went very well!'' Her little brother replies. Hearing that makes Luna's chest swell in pride. Her little brother always took education seriously. Knowing their financial status, he never took any opportunities for granted.

''I am so happy to hear that bugger, are you eating well?''

''Of course, you don't have to worry about that at all. Are you eating well? When are you coming to see me?''

Luna could detect slight sadness behind his eyes. She hasn't been able to meet him for over four months now. How could she tell her little brother that she can't even afford the ticket to visit him, let alone the fees of his school?

''I will come in two weeks! I promise.'' Luna regrets immediately for promising something that she wasn't entirely sure of.

''Isaac! Is that your sister? Ask her about the competition-'' She hears a voice behind Isaac. He quickly mutes the call before turning to shut him up. After a few seconds of word exchange, Isaac returns to the call and unmutes it.

''What was it about? Competition?''

He waves it off, ''It's nothing important. Don't worry about it.''

''Isaac.'' She warns sternly. ''Look at me in the eye, and tell me about it.''

With a sigh, ''It's an inter-state basketball competition. The school chose me and a couple of other students to participate but I rejected it.''

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