13. Friends

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''Hello, good morning.''

Jimin and Yoongi shake their heads, ''No no, try again.''

Inhaling deeply, ''Hello, good morning.'' You speak through gritted teeth. However, the audience before you still remained unimpressed.

''Hmm, maybe try-''

''I am not doing this.'' You abruptly stand up, ready to leave. Jimin, as if unphased by the heated glare of yours pulls your arm to make you sit back down.

''Yes, you are. Today is your training day, so you need to learn how to speak to our clients.'' Jimin revised. ''You can't shoot daggers through your eyes like that every time someone tries to talk to you, you will scare all our clients away.'' He laughs cheerfully. You only knit your brows together, and fumble with your inner thoughts.

''As much as I understand that you don't want to fake your politeness, but we all gotta be fake in this field.'' Yoongi mentions. ''Now where were we?''

''Hello, good morning...'' You sigh.

''Yeah no, say it with a smile.'' Yoongi encouraged.

You do attempt to fake a smile.

''You look like you're in pain. Try again.''


The concept of treating your clients like God still felt unsure to you. However, for the sake of you staying in this job and not giving up on the first day, you force yourself to listen to all the instructions of your colleagues.

Jungkook should be proud of me. You smile on your own, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He is right, you do not like when others tell you what to do, but having Namjoon, Yoongi and Jimin around and teaching how to greet people didn't seem too bad by the third hour.

First half-day, you were inside with Namjoon. He taught you how to clean and sterilize all the equipment and workspace. Namjoon is slightly awkward and laughs to mask his shyness a lot. However, he is best at his job and doesn't take his job for granted. He shared a few stories of him working in the tattoo parlour. While cleaning equipment, he begins to talk about their functionality and share his side of knowledge on how the instruments work. You can easily tell how knowledgeable he is and how passionate he is about this job just by listening to him.

Now you were with Jimin at the reception area. Yoongi was busy with a client inside, inking an arm diligently while Namjoon left for his break a few minutes ago.


''Jimin, don't start again.'' You warn him. Instead of getting a sour response as you are used to, he beams happily at you. This man surely knows how to get on your nerves. His vocabulary only consists of; flirting and banter. Jimin doesn't take anything seriously, he seems like he genuinely enjoys what he does. 

''Oh come on, we are bored. Let's do something fun to kill time!'' He proposes. 

''We are here to work.'' You reply to him.

''And? Who said you cannot have fun while working?''

''Me. I am saying it. Now don't bother me.'' You look away to the door. You wonder when the next client will walk in.

Jimin studies you for a bit, ''You're scared, aren't you?'' He suddenly proposes.

''What? No, I am not!''

Pointing, his grin stretches wider, ''You are! You are scared that you have to speak as we rehearsed to the next person walking in!'' He falls into a fit of laughter, irking your nerve further. ''Y/n! You are so cute!''

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