32.Without him

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Surprise update! This is a long chapter!
I wanted to get to the good part soon, so hope you enjoy this lengthy chapter!


Three days. Three days since he left. Three days since you stepped inside that house that you so proudly claimed to be yours. And three long days since you felt him against you and hear his voice that saves you from your doom every single day.

You refused to enter that house without Jungkook being beside you. He left the house for you and announced that he will move out so you can comfortably stay in the house. How generous of him, you scoff.

You were angry. After the initial shock and emotional outburst, you felt an intense amount of rage. You spent the last three days getting into recurring episodes of panic attacks. And this time, Jungkook wasn't beside you to calm you down, to kiss your forehead and to chase the demons away for you. He wasn't there to wrap you in his arms and reassure you that he will never leave you alone.

Liar. He's a fucking liar. He lied to you when he said he will never leave you alone. Another wave of anger emerges within you when you grab the hospital pillow behind you and launch it in the air.

You were currently on the hospital bed because your last episode of seizure has lead you to collapse on the street. That was your fourth panic attack that took a toll on your body. It happened on the morning after Jungkook left with his family and Zauqi.

You desperately wanted to run out of the house which reminded you about the loss of your husband. So when you fainted on the street after an unsightly episode, someone called the ambulance and ever since that day, you have been in hospital. Jungkook always comes running whenever you are in distress, and for the first time in ever, your husband was nowhere to be found near you. Fucking asshole. Fucking liar! How dare he?!

The nurse came to check your charts when you throw some indecent words at her. She was used to it. Every time you throw a tantrum, they inject some sort of sedative to calm your nerves down. Which made you angrier because these people were not even letting you be upset properly. ''I told you I want to leave! I don't want to stay here.''

''Miss, please be rest assured, you are in good hands. We can't let you leave in this state. Tonight, you have an appointment with a consultant, so I want you to calm down and be prepared.'' She informs before taking the leave.

No way. You refused to face these doctors. You hate them and their constant need to explain and analyse your mental state. They make you feel more alienated and disgusted about yourself. Jungkook tried to introduce you to one a few times during the beginning of your relationship. But each time, it ended in disaster. Once you even tried to run away from Jungkook thinking he will leave you in a mental institution. It was even a miracle for Jungkook to convince you to visit Hoseok. But you liked Hoseok, you never felt the need to escape him, unlike all these doctors.

That's right, Y/n. You just need to do what you always do. Escape. I am going to run away from this fucking hellhole.


Surprisingly, it was easy to escape. It is a public hospital, therefore all the nurses and doctors were too busy to keep an eye on you at all times. When the nurse left, you opted to gather your clothes and change into them before sneaking out of the place.

You take a turn to the next alleyway you see. You check your phone to see the time. The sun was settling above you and your heart seized in ambiguity of your whereabouts. You hate that you don't know where to go, but one thing was crystal clear; you are not going back to the house.

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