39. A sealed deal

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You were faced with many uncomfortable situations in your life, but nothing would've convinced you to take this awkward ride with Kim Taehyung at this hour of the night. But, you were pretty desperate to reach Jungkook, so when he offered to give you a ride, you couldn't deny it.

But bloody hell if the silence wasn't deafening. You two either break into verbal wrestling or give each other the silent treatment every time your gazes brush with one another.

Taehyung is the person you were closest to after your husband. Before you met his friends from your workplace, Taehyung was the only person you actively spoke to. He considered you as his friend, never expecting or forcing you to return the feelings. And now, you were painfully aware that you ruined that thread of solidarity when you decided to expose his feelings for Luna in the spite of your animosity towards Eda.

Fuck this. You would never admit but you hate how things have turned out. You may be actively trying to fix things with Jungkook but what about others? And lucky for me, I have a long list of people who wants to strangle me the first chance they get. You sarcastically think.

Apologising and confronting people isn't in you. If you are willing to do that for your husband then that's where you draw the line. In fact, that's where the line ends.

But even you were growing agitated at the silent treatment and that says a lot because you prefer silence from anyone that isn't your husband, or maybe Luna these days, okay maybe Zauqi too. Isaac is also growing on you. Your mind flashed the memory of your co-workers. Even though Jimin is a pain in the ass sometimes, you like their company too.

Damn who would've thought you would have a list of people you can somewhat tolerate now.

And somehow, Taehyung also comes under that list. With a frustrated huff, you turn to the man driving. "You idiot! Why are you not speaking to me?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't." You look away to the window. "But it's boring. So, talk to me. We still have an hour of drive."

"Just because I am helping you doesn't mean this is a road trip. Be quiet and let me drive so we finish this quick." He didn't mean to sound so heated, but month-long frustration on everybody was getting to him.

You narrow your eyes in question, not phased by his attitude. "If you hate me so much why are you helping me?"

Whatever you said softened the scowl on his face. Swallowing a lump in his throat, he glanced over at you. "Why is anyone helping you? Why is Luna helping you despite you wronging her? Why is Namjoon or Jimin giving any fucks about all this when it doesn't concern them? Why is Jin or even Hoseok calling once in a while to check up on you?"

You give him a quizzical look. "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to say that I don't hate you, Y/n. I'm just fucking mad at you. So damn pissed at you for betraying me like that.'' There was a potent trace of hurt in his voice.

He continues, ''I thought me and you are a fucking team, Y/n. Against the Jeon family or even my own, I thought me and you were always together. You may have never considered me as your friend but I did. Fuck, I still do."

That stuns you. His admission had your tongue in a twist. Your eyes burn all of a sudden, forcing them to secrete liquid against your will.

"To answer your question, I don't need a reason to help you, just like Luna doesn't. Just like any of your friends don't."

Your friends. Not Jungkook's. Yours.

"So you will help me but not speak to me?"


Psycho→𝙅𝙅𝙆Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat