Volume 12, Elven escort leader Yuuji travels to the royal capital Prologue

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A road that ran through the forest.

As the spring sunlight shone, a carriage advanced.

Moving in front of it were Kevin's two exclusive guards. Clad in reddish brown mantle, each of them were riding a horse. It seems they were responsible for guarding ahead.

behind the covered wagon that was pulled by two horses was Premie city guild master Salomon riding on a horse. Salomon's role was being Riese's escort. For that sake, he would be in charge of the place closest to the exit which is at the back of the wagon bed.

Inside the covered wagon, Yuuji, Alice, Riese and Yurshelle were sitting on a wooden crate. No, it seems they had put a cushion on the wooden crate and was sitting on that. It was a cushion with a hole like a donut that Yuuji prepared by ordering them at Yurshelle.

Kotarou was blocking the rearmost end of the wagon bed. I suppose I will go outside, was what she was thinking.

"Yuuji-nii, the carriage is fast, isn't it!? It doesn't really shake, right!?"

"Yes it is, Alice! It's true that it doesn't shake as much as I thought"

In order to meet with the elven adventurer, Yuuji and company headed to the royal capital while bringing along Riese.

Currently it was the first day of the trip, and nearly one hour had passed since leaving Premie city.

The carriage advanced smoothly.

"Mr Yuuji, have you seen the wheels before departure?"

Did he hear Yuuji and Alice's conversation? Kevin began to talk to him while on the coachman's seat.

What Kevin prepared was a simple covered wagon

Who were on the wagon's coachman's seat was Kevin and Enzo. Kevin sat and moved the carriage, and Enzo stood next to him, on guard with the surroundings. Being able to keep balance in a shaking carriage and confined space, as expected of a former third rank adventurer scout.

"Yes. Some sort of grey something is wrapped around them, isn't it?"

"That's right. That's the meat and pelt of a monster that is raised near the royal capital"


"It's a herbivorous monster, but edged tools don't go through and it's strong against impact. They're nuisances that devastate farmlands, but... the father of the first generation monarch who established this country succeeded in livestock farming them, or so they said"

"Really... could it be something like a pig? Are they big?"

"Let's see. They're slightly bigger in height than me, and their length... should be about this covered wagon if you include the tip of their tail"

"Eh? They, they're pretty huge, aren't they..."

It seemed to be larger than Yuuji expected. I wonder if it's like a hippo, no, something like a triceratops? He muttered.

"By rolling up its skin and meat around the wheels, it'll absorb the shock. And then, the father of the first generation king succeeded in breeding frog type monsters"

"Re- really... and are those used in the carriage too?"

"Yes. Their leg tendons and muscles absorbs high and low shocks"

"Woow! It's amazing, isn't it, Yuuji-nii!"

"Mo- monster legs are... they look like it would become useless as soon as they dry though"

"Yes, usually that would be the case. A special process is needed it seems, but... they haven't disclosed it to this day. It has become this country's local special product"

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