Chapter 6, Part 1. Yuuji, Genuinely Begin Creating the Fields

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「Alright, the snow has melted, let's begin creating the fields! Let's do our best!」(Y)


With a hoe that he got from Kevin the peddler in his hands, Yuuji called out to Alice.

Alice also answered him full with enthusiasm. Although, it was doubtful that Alice could be helpful in planting the field.

Kotarou was checking the safety, so she already went to her regular patrol.

Ever since she detected the goblins back when autumn started , Kotarou had done frequent patrols.

By the way, Kotarou 'pulls' the goblins to the house and then annihilates them with Yuuji and Alice's help. What a supportive woman. She is a dog, though.

「The potato-tuber is also delicious but as expected the aim should be wheat!」(Y)

「Eh? Alice like the potato mochi since it's sweet, fluffy and delicious, you know?」(A)

With a plop, Alice tilted her head and objected to Yuuji's statement. It seems that when she heard that Yuuji wanted to plant wheat, she was worried that he wouldn't plant potatoes and she wouldn't be able to eat her favorite food.

「Ah, of course we also plant potatoes! As expected, I need to raise wheat, turnip and root crops to feed the livestock, the Norfolk farming method. It's agricultural revolution after all!」(Y)

「Agricultural revolution? Alice doesn't really understand but that sounds really amazing, Yuuji-nii!」(A)

Yuuji lightly replied, yes it's really amazing. It seems that he didn't really understand what point that was amazing, though.

In the first place how will he raise livestock? He didn't have any barns and it was unknown if Kevin could help with this. Well, Yuuji's specialty is starting a train without making sure the passenger are on board (acting before thinking it through), after all.


「Fuh. Finally it looks a bit like a farm field ...」(Y)

First, he dug up a narrow area that he had decided on before. His increased physical strength and stamina from Ranking Up twice was more effective in farm work than in a battle.

Alice's current Earth Magic could only throw stones or make indentation in the ground, so it wasn't that useful in creating the fields.

Alice, who had lost interest in the land clearing, was doing magic practice behind Yuuji. What a diligent girl.

「Hmm... For now, let's try to plant the potato seeds. Next is expanding the field while waiting for Kevin-san, right......? That's right, when should we begin planting wheat? No, in the first place is it really wheat?」(Y)

Although he had already reclaimed new lands and made something like a farm field, Yuuji hadn't made any thoughts about the fundamental things.

「Wheat, right? Wheat is planted in the spring and harvested in the autumn!」(A)

Alice who heard Yuuji speaking to himself, replied. As expected from a girl who was raised in a frontier village. She knew this well, more so than Yuuji.

「Didn't have knowledge about this world, didn't have anyone else to ask for help, right? What would I do about this... really....」(Y)

It was the first time he experienced performing continuous land clearing, digging the soil and making a small farm field.

Even someone like Yuuji finally realized the reality.

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