Yuuji, spending his first day of the trip to the royal capital

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A carriage moved through the road in the forest.

It entered an open space that was set up beside the road and stopped moving forward.

"Mr Yuuji, we take a lunch break here"

"Okay, roger! Alright, we're getting off here everyone~"

Replying to Kevin's words who called out from the coachman's seat, Yuuji instructed everyone inside the wagon.

The rear curtains of the covered wagon opened, and Kotarou jumped out and stretched her body at once. Is she a cat? Since departing in the morning, Kotarou had been obedient in the carriage the whole time, but it seems she was about to get tired of it. She viewed the surrounding forest and sniffed. I wonder if I should run starting in the afternoon, was what she seemed to be saying. What a capricious woman.

After exiting next, Yuuji turned around and held up his arms for Alice. He put down Alice and next he carried Riese and put her down. Is he a male carer?

The two girls, just like Kotarou, looked restlessly around with great interest. The seamster Yurshelle got off the carriage without Yuuji's help. Yuuji does not seem to have any luck with women at all. Well, Yurshelle was a married woman though.

During the time Yuuji's group was getting off the carriage, the trio of horseback riders, guildmaster Salomon and Kevin's exclusive escorts, got off their horses. They promptly linked the horse to the fence that was prepared in the open space.

Moved from the coachman's seat to the wagon bed and began his preparations with rustling sounds. Fodder, water and brushes; it seems he was getting ready to look after the horses.

Yuuji was left behind by the flowing movements of the people experienced in travelling. As if he recalled it, he prepared the camera and photographed everyone who were standing in the open space as well as the carriage and the horses.

The small open space inside the forest where the spring sun was shining.

There was nothing there, but it had the perfect sight for a picture.

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"But still... it's amazing, isn't it!? To think there's an open space where you can rest on the way"

"Yes. This road is like this, but these are usually set up at often used roads. It's a welcome situation for merchants"

"Walking... that still looks tough..."

"In the case you go on foot, you would go rest at these resting areas after all. Just as you've said, it's quite draining"

Kevin gave a distant look as he spoke to Yuuji. It appears that he also had experience of peddling by foot.

"Yuuji-nii, could it be warmed up now!?"

'Is it about to be? Could it be soon, I wonder?'

Alice, who was sitting next to Yuuji, called out to him. Alice and Riese's eyes were pointed towards the pot that was on a simple earthenware charcoal cooking stove that was installed in the open space.

The canned food Kevin had brought as both meals for during the trip and samples.

By Yuuji's advice after seeing the installed cooking stove, they were heating it in water. Incidentally, for water they used what was loaded in the carriage. It seems there will be an open area ahead that is furnished with a watering place, but this place had none.

"Uhm, I guess it's good"

Yuuji answered the two girls with shining eyes. Well, he was only warming up the canned food in water. It is not so difficult that one needs to check it, but this is the first time for anyone except Yuuji and Kevin's group. It was not unreasonable for them to check with Yuuji.

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