Chapter 1, Part 8: Yuuji, Magnificently Ignoring the Dangerous Situation

13 1 0

294: 1 desu



There is a huge spider

295: Anonymous NEET


296: Anonymous NEET

Isn't it since it in rural area?

297: Anonymous NEET

Since it Tochigi or Ibaraki right?

298: Anonymous NEET

There are also some inside my house

299: 1 desu

Its size was about my head


300: Anonymous NEET


301: Anonymous NEET

Close this

302: Anonymous NEET

Close this

303: Anonymous NEET

Caution: Grotesque

304: Anonymous NEET


What kind of image is it?

305: Anonymous NEET

Leveled Up Spider

306: 1 desu

No no no no

It's real

307: Anonymous NEET

It needs great effort to tamper with every exif[1] entry

I'm sure the lens is not for close-up photography


308: Anonymous NEET

What are you proudly talking about 307

309: Anonymous NEET

Like the acorn professor

This thread has a lot of weird people

I made a mistake

Has a lot of weird NEET

310: Professor Acorn

Did someone call for me?

311: Anonymous ETNE

Name Name!

I won't recognize it!!

□ □ ■ □ □


Yuuji was grinding his teeth from the lack of response to the spider when his ear picked up loud noises.

「Is it from outside? Is someone coming...?!」

He descended the stairs noisily, wearing the sandals, and then he opened the entranceway door.

What appeared in his eyes were child-sized creatures with green skin. There were 2 of them.

While saying "Gegyagugya", they strike at the gate with thick wooden club.

However strangely, there was no sound of the club striking the metal. But "**", as if there was an invisible wall before the gate.

Yuuji who returned to his senses, immediately returned to his room.

「Those must be goblins....! Camera Camera!!」

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