Chapter 5, Part 2. Yuuji, Overcoming Fierce Battle with Tree Stumps

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Alice, who was assaulted by acute pain, was finally asleep in the morning. After she took a bit of rest, she was currently having brunch with Yuuji.

「Alice, how's your body?」(Yuuji)

「Alice already feels great!」(Alice)

「Is that so, then that's good. Alice, when Kotarou and I defeated the goblins, our bodies also felt pain, and afterwards our power increased...... How about Alice?」(Yuuji)

「Nn? Nnnnn, ei! Alice doesn't know......」(Alice)

After she was asked by Yuuji about how her physical power had increased, while still sitting on the chair, with an "Ei!" yell Alice tried to lift up the dining table. Her arms were trembling slightly, but the large wooden dining table meant for 4 people only made a small clatter. In the first place, if the table had indeed moved, then the dishes atop of it would be at great risk of falling down.

"Alice, don't be improper." (Kotarou)

Kotarou seemed to remonstrate Alice with a bark.

"Uuu, I am sorry". Alice obediently apologized.

「I wonder what that is. Alice, have you heard anything of it?」(Yuuji)

「Hmm, Alice doesn't know..... Alice believes that it will be good to ask it to peddler oji-chan next time!」(Alice)

「That's true, you ask something if you don't understand. However, this might be our lifeline...... I am curious, but it might be better to keep this secret......」(Yuuji)

When he was teaching Alice, he kept saying "ask if there is something you don't understand".

Alice firmly committed these words to her memory, so she advised Yuuji to ask it to Kevin the peddler. "However, I better not ask about this." Yuuji muttered in low voice, while pondering this. This might be the result of the training from the bulletin board residents.

「Let's postpone asking about this for a bit. Alright Alice, whether your power has increased or not, let's go to the garden and test it out! Today, I also want to test something too!」(Yuuji)


「Alright, wait a bit, Alice!」(Yuuji)

Yuuji came out to the garden together with Alice and Kotarou, and then after saying this, he headed towards the garage shed by himself. In his hand was the key of the kei-car1 that was often used by his late mother.

Yes, last night, when he was awoke to accompany Alice who couldn't sleep, Yuuji finally remembered. "If the stump couldn't be rooted out by using human power, then why don't we root it out by using a car?"

Yuuji opened the garage door in triumphant mood, boarded the kei-car and sat in the driver's seat.

He turned the key on.

The engine didn't start.

Confused, he turned the key again.

It was still silent.

There was no sound of the starter engine initiating.2

The battery had dried up. It had been left as it was for more than a year.

So it's reasonable.

If this was still in Japan, then Yuuji could easily deal with this problem by either calling J*F3, connecting the cable from another car, buying a new one and exchange it, or purchasing a charger, but this is another world.

Even if he ordered it on am*zon, they couldn't deliver the batteries

There nothing he could do but to curse himself who had neglected doing maintenance for the engine.

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