Chapter 8, Idle talk 2 [8-1] Mark-kun, doing his best. 2

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N: [8-1] means it happened during chapter 8 part1


A clanging noise of wood striking each other resounded.

The pioneer land on an early morning.

There was a group of people performing training by using wooden swords.

"That's right boy, kind of like that. Don't lie in wait, make use of your feet"

The early morning training that the four of the former third rank adventurer party carried out. They continued after migrating to the pioneer land and now the dogkin Mark has joined in. Yuuji had gone to the city so he was absent, but Yuuji usually joined in as well.

Mark had his hands on his knees and was breathing roughly. The training that the retired but top class adventurers carry out was intense to the thirteen years old him, whose body still wasn't ready.

"What's wrong Mark, done already!? I don't remember raising that kind of child!"

The voice of Mark's father, Yuuji's slave dogkin Marcel, resounded from the shade of a tree. Why he was under the shade of a tree was a mystery. Did he want to watch over him from the shades or assist him? What he meant to do eludes us.

Besides him was the figure of Mark's mother, the catkin Nina. She sometimes participates in the training with a bow, but today she seems to have decided to watch over him. She was a whimsy woman. Since she is a cat. No, she is a catkin though.

"One more time please!"

Mark raised his face and called out to the former adventurer's party leader with undoubtedly sharp eyes. It was an awe-inspiring appearance. But then again, his appearance was that of a bipedal golden retriever.

"Alright, that's the spirit!" the man said and accepted him. It seems the training will continue for a while longer.

"Tha- thank you very much!"

With short and rough breathing, Mark gave his gratitude to the former adventurers who had marked the end of training.

Perhaps using up his strength after saying that, he laid down scattered on the spot. His tail hung feebly. Mark, who had quit walking on two legs, was a clothes wearing dog.

Mark, currently is being trained by the former adventurers in the arm-strapped buckler and short sword style. It is in order to make the best use of the dogkin's legs and to protect himself against attacks by moving around. Come forward, defend and shift it to the side after stopping it; such high level was requested of him however.

Perhaps finally having recovered his physical strength, Mark slowly got up.

There was still more left of his day after this.

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"Heave-ho. Both Mr Yuuji and Alice-chan are amazing aren't they. Making a reservoir like this without difficulty. I have to do my best too"

The watering place and reservoir that was created west of Yuuji's house. Mark exchanged the jug that was placed in the watering place, took up the jug with water in it to a tent where one of the household are living in.

Transportation of water used for living is Mark's job. This is his morning job immediately following the training. It seems other world's children are hard workers.

"Alright! Next is helping dad!"

Having finished carrying the water jug, Mark headed to the agricultural land.

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