Chapter 8, Idle talk 4 [8-8] Sakura, informing George of an important truth

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This happened during chapter 8 part 8

'Geez! I'm telling you, underwear that men like and underwear that girls like are different! Besides... Big bro, you understand, right? I'm telling you I will expose you again if you touch them alright? And post'

George and Sakura's house in Los Angeles, United States of America.

In front of the PC, Sakura wrote on the bulletin board to warn her brother Yuuji. She was at the age of thirty one where you cannot say she was a little girl any more, but feelings are a different story. Though she could not wear them in the first place, there are no women who would be OK with showing their own underwear to an unspecified large number of people. No, there may be some, but those would be owners of some unique taste.

'I'm home Sakura! Looks like Sakura got in earlier somehow'

'I'm coming over, Mrs Sakura! How is it? Are there some changes at Mr Yuuji's? Oh right, I brought some documents from my house! Everything what I ordered on mail finally arrived!'

The voice of Sakura's husband, George, was heard from the entry hall. It seems he had finished his work and got home. Today his friend Lewis was also with him. Today too, however.

Carried in Lewis's hands were large quantities of books and magazines. It seems to be materials of clothing and accessories. Large and rich color photos were used on it. Lewis's arms were trembling from the excessive weight. He was of the indoors clique.

'Welcome home George, and nice to see you Mr Lewis. Well, the bulletin board is talking about nothing but garments and underwear like usual'

Sakura said and welcomed the two.

Lewis put down all of the materials on the table of the living room at once.

It was that moment.

Sakura's eyes caught sight of one magazine among the materials Lewis brought.

It was the magazine of the black rabbit, famous for its founder having made a real harem.

'George, Mr Lewis. What is that supposed to mean?'

'Aah, you mean this!? As I thought Mrs Sakura, you have an eye for the good points! When you say you're thinking about underwear, then this should be necessary after all, I thought! It's not only packed with underwear, but also full of man's dream I say! There should be one in Mr Yuuji's room too, but I'm absolutely thinking about scanning the latest edition and sending it to him'

Lewis answered in perfectly good grace. They are necessary materials for research purposes.

Incidentally, Yuuji did not have even a single copy of it in his room.

'Oh for crying out loud, the bulletin board people are also like that, but clothes and underwear that man likes are different from what the girls like, you know! Besides, the current underwear are made amazingly complex you know? They can't just simply realize them from the beginning can they!?'

Sakura struck the two with her proper view.

"Is that, is that how it is" the two men said as they dropped their shoulders.

"Eh, you like that sort of thing too, George?" Sakura said and being Sakura, she seems to have received a shock. It seems what an ideal Japanese woman considered "lucky" underwear was different from the "lucky" underwear americans desired.

I wonder if it's better to buy that sort of underwear. It's not the time to be laughing at those like Victoria's **cret is it? No but it's already, while Sakura was muttering so and so forth, the two men headed to George's room. It seems they were planning on thinking about clothes and underwear in front of the PC. They were men who don't learn by experience despite just being told that.

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